6: Kay

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Waking up in the morning with my phone obnoxiously blaring my ringtone, I get up to see my manager had sent me three miss calls. I check to see what time it is and nearly faint at the sight of the clock reading 1:17 pm, how did I sleep for so long? But the memory of last night, us getting home at 2 jogged my brain. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and pee and call my manager.

"We have a meeting at 2. You can do what you want until then but make sure you come on time." He spoke aggressively and hung up before I could answer.

"Okay.." I cautiously spoke, confused as to why he was acting this way. Probably cause he called you 3 times and you didn't pick up my conscious spoke. I walked to the bed jumping on it and then laying on top of Justin in hopes he would wake up, but slightly also not wake up and we could just cuddle.

"I need to be at a meeting in about 40 minutes,"I informed Justin.

"Already? do you never just chill?" he spoke nuzzling into my neck, and I just let out a deep sigh because I couldn't agree more. I just want to take a little breather and go out and actually enjoy the places I visit because God knows when I'll come back.

I walked into the bathroom changing into something appropriate and washing my face adding a hint of makeup to cover my tiredness and make myself look slightly presentable.

When I had only 20 mins left I walked downstairs to the reception. I sat in the room alone on Twitter, retweeting fan tweets and favouriting fan stuff from last night. Then I got a call from my driver saying that he's here I got off the couch and grabbed my long boots and wore them cause they matched my outfit. I walked down saying hi to some people and signing some never before seen photos. Outside I had to push by paparazzi to get to my car which my driver was standing beside.

"Hi Miss. Gomez" I nodded my head and sat inside.

The building the meeting was held in was really big.I managed to find my way around with getting lost a couple of times but some really kind lady helped me.I walked into the meeting room and was greeted by my management team.

"Selena!" My manager beamed at me."You are such a talented and beautiful girl!"

"Thank you" I smiled. I loved it when people told me I was talented, especially when fans say that but it was quite weird that he would say that out of nowhere

"However, we are going to make you bigger by putt you on a tour with some other big artists so that more people are aware of who you are!" He continued.

"Who?" I really hoped he was talking about Justin, or maybe even Taylor Swift.

"One Direction!"




One Direction.

I couldn't.


How was I going to explain to him why I had left?

It had been years and I hadn't contacted him. I didn't even try. He probably hates me. He will be so mad at me. He wouldn't want to go on a tour with me.

"Selena?" My manager looked at me.I realised I hadn't said anything for the past few minutes.

I looked at him. I could say no. But this man has done so much for my career and he only wants to do more. I couldn't say no.

"Um yes!I would love to tour with One Direction!"I fake smiled. Inside I was so worried.

"Okay, I will give you the tour dates soon." He smiled at me as I walked out the room.

As soon as I got out the building I called my mum.

After a few rings, she picked up.


"Mum!!"I yelled

"What?" She knew I was panicking.

"My manager wanted me to tour with one direction and I said it would be okay!And it's not okay! Harry will be so mad!" I shouted into my phone, earning weird glances from people around me.

"You'll be fine" My mum was so calm. "He was your best friend, he probably still wants to be your best friend. I doubt he'll be mad at you Selena. Don't worry about it."She reassured me.

"I'm not sure, I did leave without telling him now it's been 4 years" I bit my lip

"Oh come on, your 22 now. Both very mature you can do it and if he doesn't accept your apology. His lose" I loved my mum she always said the right things at the right time.

"Kay." I was sure it wouldn't be fine.

"Call me soon okay?" My mum said.

"Will do, bye." I hung up on her.

I put my phone in my pocket and began to walk home, thinking of Harry.


TODAY WAS THE FIRST DAY OF SEMESTER TWO, my last semester in High school SHIET im so old ew. I hate my philosophy class and I'm scared for Bio, chem is fine cause my teachers EZ.

Also can we all just pretend that harry and selena were 18 in the begining of the book and now their like 22/23 (harrys oldr cause lol)

Eighteen (H.S//S.G)Where stories live. Discover now