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School was tiresome, for John at least. He hardly paid a single ounce of attention to what the teacher was saying in any of the classes. It was the History class, and Ms. Hawkins was teaching about the Civil War. The U.S Congress had just passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act and slavery was becoming more and more popular! Well, John couldn't remember what passed after that because he fell asleep on his desk. Now, he woke up not to a thing falling on his head, but to the shrill voice of Ms. Hawkins, "Mr John, have you been staying up all night and writing down that assignment I gave last week?".

"Yes, ma'am..I mean, no, ma'am..", John said getting his head up, eyes still red and watery.

"Say, did you write the pages? Show me.", said Ms. Hawkins.

John had totally forgotten that such a thing had even been assigned, he was falling back in class apart from all the shitty things happening in his life.

"Ma'am, I might've left it at home..", said John.

"I won't take any more of your nonsense. You're sleeping in class, failing to turn in assignments and you're expecting me to listen to your pathetic excuses.", said Ms. Hawkins in her shrill voice becoming even more shrill.

"Meet me after class today, I'm giving you detention for a week"

John couldn't believe his luck. He just nodded, soon afterwards, the class ended. Next up, was Biology class. Today Mr Jameson was going to make them dissect a pig fetus. John hardly had any desire for anything gruesome that day, or any other day for that matter. They had to bring their own dissection instruments. John had forgotten about it too, but luckily he had asked Mary beforehand to put in the dissection box inside his bag, so he had it in his bag. Good for him, he couldn't take shit anymore. He was tired of all this stuff. Brett met him on the hallway, "Whassup,Johno..ready to slice some pig meat?, said Brett from behind putting his arm over his shoulder. "Sure thing..excited to cut some ham finally", said John.

"So, what was that back in History? Chatting all night with Beth, eh?", said Brett with a cheesy smile and a wink.

Now, John remembered, he had hardly talked or seen Beth in more than a week. He and Beth have been friends since middle school, same middle school, now same high school. They dated for sometime but after what had happened with John, they had hardly had had any interaction.

"No, it was nothing like that...I just had..", John struggled between telling Brett about that 'accident' but he lost the will to explain all the weird things in the world happening to him so he he replied with, "..umm..I was up playing COD all night."

"Nice way to spend a night, bro, so see ya in the class", Brett ran up ahead to Sidney, who was his girlfriend. They walked ahead and entered the lab. John decided he could use a trip to the bathroom, wash his face and all. He went to take a piss too. He was just about to finish when he noticed a long paragraph written on the left side, in scribbly handwriting.

There is a judge for the one

who rejects me and does not

accept my words; the very words

I have spoken will condemn them

at the last day - JOHN 12:48

"Gosh..", John thought. The Bible had followed him to the bathroom too, and rather than the verse itself, he questioned about his parents' naming choice and came out of the bathroom more annoyed with all this, than before.

As soon as John entered the lab, Mr Jameson arrived.

"Hello, students. A very good day to you, so how many of you have not brought the instruments just leave the class and save me the trouble", said Mr Jameson.

Obviously no one went outside."Okay, we can get started then.", said Mr Jameson. The pig fetuses had already been placed invidually on everyone's table. But the thing was, to show everyone how to do it, Mr Jameson himself hadn't brought his tools.

"Excuse me, students for a quick minute, while I go and bring my instruments. They were already supposed to be here and now I find they are not..", said Mr Jameson and left the room.

John was standing alone at his table, looking at that dead pig baby. Everybody else was talking among themselves. Brett was picking up the pig and teasing Sidney with it. Meanwhile, John picked up his scalpel and just thought about poking the pig without touching it. He hadn't put his gloves on yet. He moved the scalpel close to the pig's neck and gave its body a little push.


He thought he saw the small, half developed ear of the pig move a bit. He moved the scalpel back. Looked around amused, to see if anyone was watching him. No one. He thought he might be hallucinating with him losing sleep for almost two days now. Before he could look back, the pig fetus started flailing and jumping around frantically in its place. PLOP THUMP THUMP THUMP. What the fuck was happening? At the same time, it was making a large ugly SQUEAL... SQUEEEEEEEAL. What was going on? What had just happened? John almost felt too scared to move seeing the small pig fetus flailing around and squealing despite looking dead!

Without giving any split second, he held the scalpel he already had in his hand, with both of his hands, and stabbed the monstrous undead pig, about 13 times. All the while screaming. He couldn't stop. He had to kill it!

"Mr John, I MUST ASK YOU TO STOP!", shouted Mr Jameson. Mr Jameson had managed to return at that exact time. Everyone around the class was staring at him. It felt as though he had committed some mortal sin and all of those people staring at him were his judges.

Somewhere in his head he could hear There is a judge for the one who rejects me. He snapped out of it when Mr Jameson had come upto him and said to his face, "John, come with me to the principal. I'll make sure you're suspended. You explain yourself there". The class had been dismissed just because of him. It was not his fault, he thought. But in the middle of it, he also thought whether all of this stuff was really happening or he was losing his mind. He thought, "Obviously others will testify for me, sure they'd have heard that big ugly sound." As much as he thought this, he couldn't believe in the certainty of it all. He wanted nothing more than to sleep for a long time, without all these mundane things such as school and church bothering him. After all, life had no meaning, right?, thought John.

The Damnation of Johnny BoyWhere stories live. Discover now