Chapter 1

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    Merlin has just finished up the days work. He had cleaned Arthur's room and Arthur had just finished practicing with the knights. "Hey merlin, tomorrow we're going hunting. So prepare my horse and try not to trip the entire trip." "Mhm." Merlin replied. Merlin jumped onto his bed. He was very tired and he also had a trip to prepare for. Merlin woke to the sound of birds and gaius preparing breakfast. He got up and dressed up for the hunt. "Morning gaius." "Good morning Merlin, here have your breakfast." Merlin quickly ate his breakfast and bid goodbye. He ran to go get Arthur's breakfast. He woke a little late but he will get there in time. Right? Merlin opened the door for Arthur's room and there stood arthur ready to beat Merlin. "I told you that we were going hunting today, Merlin." "Yeah least your dressed." Said merlin as he placed the tray on the table. Merlin gets a boot thrown at him and he laughs.

Arthur and Merlin get on their horses and make their way to the forest with the knights. The knights and Merlin laugh and talk until arthur shuts them. "Do you hear that, I think it's a deer." He whispers he hopped off his horse the rest get off and follow him. He motions for the other to walk the other way. Arthur and Merlin search but they end up stumbling upon a black creature with a blue glow. "Magic!"yells Arthur's he begins to run for it. Merlin runs with Arthur they can hear the knights trying to catch up with them. The creature jump and creates a portal that looks some what like it. Before Arthur and Merlin could stop they fall in. The portal closes and the knights stop. They look at each other and realize the prince and Merlin was gone.

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