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Y/N gets a lil bit overwhelmed

This is just a small something that came to my head, the idea itself isn't hideous but the way i write it 100% will be so enjoy ☺️

Also when i say popper "huffs" idk what it's called when a dog half barks lmao, my bad but yall know what i mean?

Any translations in the comments 💞


I woke up to an empty bed and Popchyk huffing from downstairs. I had to go and investigate otherwise he'd wake Xandra and I wasn't prepared to deal with her screaming at me at 4 in the fucking morning.

I urged myself out of bed and crept to the top of the stairs, I could see a head of matted brown hair and figured that was Boris and he was looking over a girl, tiny compared to him, I leant further forward and saw that it was Y/N fussing over Popper, cooing things along the lines of

"Hi baby, oh I've missed you!"

She was evidently very very drunk.
Boris looked up the stairs and saw me so I decided to finally make my way down to see the couple. As far as I could tell, Boris was completely sober, not a normal thing unless Y/N was drunk so he could walk her home and make sure she's 100% safe as Vegas was becoming more and more dangerous at night.

He smiled at me and then I saw his eyebrows furrow and a frown collapse over his face. I wondered why until I heard small sobs coming from the floor.

We urgently looked down and saw Y/N, curled up into a ball cradling poppers face in her small hands. Tears streamed hot down her face, a red tint now settling over her nose and cheeks.

Boris and I looked at each other, panicked washing over both of us.

"Принцесса, детка, baby, sweetheart what's wrong, love?"

The overuse of pet names stopped being weird a long time ago and it was now in the norm for Boris to call her 1000 names more than necessary.

She snivelled and looked up at us with big, watery eyes.

"He's so small."

She started to cry even harder, making Boris rush to her side and sit her in his lap. He placed a careful hand on top of her head and began to rock her side to side.

Despite me being the youngest, Y/N was the smallest out of all of us so we always considered her to be the baby of the group, but she never really cried this hard in front of us or at least me before.

I must've looked extremely confused because Boris looked up at me and said in a hushed tone

"She very drunk."

She wailed harder and Boris put his cheek on the crown of her head to try and hide his laughter from her. Finally realizing how silly the reason she was crying actually was, I started to laugh too and had to place a hand over my mouth so she didn't hear me. She felt Boris laughing though and lightly punched his chest.

" It's not funny! He's just so tiny and cute and-"

She was cut off by herself not being able to control her sobs.

"I know детка, I know he is very small and very cute but he is still a baby so that is why."

"But he won't grow much bigger and he'll be small forever, he must be so so sad feeling so tiny."

Boris tried to hold back a snort.

"Yes well you two have something in common then don't you!"

"I'm not even that small you two are just both giants and it's not fair."

He kissed the top of her head and shushed her, gradually lulling her to slumber. He leant her away from him a little so he could look at her, he then kissed her forehead and swept her off the floor.

I started walking up the stairs to get extra blankets as Y/N gets cold for some damn reason in the night, I watched Boris try and avoid the creaks in the steps as to not wake her. He got to my room and laid her down softly on the bed, climbing in next to her and holding her like he did every other night.

Words: 725

Sorry I didn't really know how to end this and it went on way longer than it should have, it's also not as good as the others because I haven't written in ages, but if you get to this part and did read that all the way through then thank you, angels.

Stay safe and wash your hands, loves 💖

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