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Warnings: being sick

SHE DRAGGED HERSELF UP TO THE GATE and hunched over to the side, gagging and clutching her stomach. The weather was catastrophic as the rain threw itself upon the mud and grass she was stood on.

Mrs Grose was looking out the window of the large house and saw the girl hurl herself at the floor. With a large gasp, she ran to get her coat and called for Miles to help her take the girl inside. Miles groaned yet nonetheless caught up to the elderly woman to see what she needed his help for.

He was stood just outside the door and Mrs Grose had already gone halfway down the drive making Miles run to get to her. He looked up to the sky with disgust and hauled himself after her. He got to the gate at last and saw the older woman with a girl who was curled up in all the mud. With a stern look and a beckoning hand to help, Miles swept her up from the ground and brushed her hair out of her face. He started to make his way to the house, every now and then glancing down at her delicate features hidden by the tears streaming down her face and the mud caked on her cheek.

Mrs Grose ordered that Miles stayed out with the girl as she ran a bath for her to clean herself up despite the fact it seemed she would need some help. He sat her on the couch and bent down to turn the fire on as to keep her warm the best he could.

It took about 15 minutes but eventually Mrs Grose came back downstairs and told the two that the bath was ready. Miles sighed and helped the girl up the stairs and into the bathroom. He turned around as she situated herself into the water. He sat next to her with her knees up to her chest and her head resting on the rim of the bath tub to look at him. He took a cloth and rinsed it with water to clean her face from the mud and she closed her eyes and hummed contentedly.

She reached up to his hair, making him flinch and her take her hand away quickly.

"No it's ok, I thought you were going hit me."

"I didn't realise I looked that dangerous."

Her voice was silvery yet layered in a tone that made it seem as if her throat ached. He smiled at her and she resumed to play with his hair.

"You're pretty."

It was rather unexpected. Miles didn't think he was ugly however he had never been told he was handsome by anyone other than his mother let alone pretty. He stayed quiet for a minute then replied

"Once we get all the mud off of your face I'm sure you'll be pretty too."

She didn't answer him and he started to overthink, realising how weird that sounded. He had found her unconscious and maybe she didn't realise it was there, though that did seem impossible because who wouldn't realise their skin is covered in mud especially when it was wet? She cocked her head to the side and lazily grinned at him.

He had lifted her out of the bath and wrapped her up tightly with the fluffiest and biggest towel he could find. He left her in the bathroom as the house got rather cold during the winter and the girl he learnt as Y/N was obviously sick and he didn't fancy her getting any worse. He walked back into the bathroom with some old pyjamas of his although he figured the bottoms wouldn't fit so she could just wear his shirt as a dress. He slid through the opened door and saw her retching into the toilet with the towel now fallen past her shoulders and her hair draped by the sides of her face.

He ran to her and pulled the cloth back over her shoulders and held her hair back the best he could whilst filling a cup of water with one hand. Sooner or later, she finished throwing up and slouched against Miles, sipping the glass of water as he threw his shirt over her tiny figure.

He sighed and relaxed his head back against the door waiting for her to fall asleep so he could carry her to bed. Fragile sounds came from her and he lifted her and carried her toward his room, dashing around once she was laid in his bed to look for extra blankets. He had exhausted himself running around after a girl he had met just an hour ago. It made him feel pathetic until he looked back upon the situation he found her in and realised that his home was very hard to find so someone must've drove her to run here or she must've been running through the woods for hours, and considering she had collapsed at the gate it became clearer to him that it was highly possible to have been both.

Words: 847

Sorry this is really long I'll either write for ages or for a couple seconds there is no in between.

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