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Warnings: none

Slow it down (live) - the Lumineers

HE WATCHED AS SHE OSCILLATED by the koi pond. Dusk settling over the two and a soft humming emitting from the girl in front of him. The glow from the house immersed in the nightfall. A purple glare situated on the flower wreath upon her head.

Miles gazed at the girl, infatuated with her as she danced around the water. She looked so graceful, twirling on the very tips of her toes and laughing when she misstepped. He didn't notice when she would mess up; he never noticed any of her flaws, which was unusual for Miles as he believed himself to be an observant person.

He watched her innate smile turn into a frown and he started to fret over how he could've upset her. Until he found her to be right in front of him, a hand being held out toward him and eyes scolding into his own.

"Dance with me."

A surge of mitigation rolled over him and he thought for a minute that he could actually feel it wash over his body. He grinned up at her and took her hand, spinning her around and pulling her back in. She ultimately softened into his chest and swivelled a curl of his raven hair around her finger, bringing his head down to sing in his ear, something he had always loved for her to do, at the boarding school, he felt homesick and she comforted him by running her diminutive hands through his hair and humming to him.

Now, this was her last night at his home. Kate was beginning to think that Y/N was the issue as to Miles' behaviour and wanted her out as soon as possible. As much as Y/N adored her parent/guardian, but it was so monotonous whereas at Miles' house there are all sorts to do. Both of the children were lost in thought over the same thing. Miles didn't want Y/N to go home and Y/N didn't want to leave. They knew if they could persuade Mrs Grose to let her stay, Kate had no prospect of forcing Y/N to go home.

They looked at each other, knowing they were thinking the same thing. Miles leant his forehead against hers and kissed her nose. She giggled and pecked his lips and ran away from him, making him chase her through the woods and to the bottom of the drive before his house. Y/N looked to Miles, a nervous smile playing on her lips.

"Don't worry, my love, I'm not letting you go just yet."

He grabbed her hand and swung it back and forth, walking up to the door.

"Are you ready to leave yet?"

Panicked, they looked to Mrs Grose in the foyer, pleading with their eyes as best they could. A sigh and an eye roll came from the woman.

"Y/N will not be going anywhere Kate. I refuse to let you take away the children's only social interaction."

"But you don't see how it's her fault, she's making them torment me!"

"No one is making anyone do anything. She will stay and that is final."

Kate turned and grimaced at Y/N, standing innocently behind Miles, hands still intertwined within each other, it was always Miles' way of showing her that he'd protect her.

"Don't act like a child, Kate."

She rolled her eyes and stomped off, earning a laugh out of the two over her demeanour.

Miles spun around, hurling Y/N over his shoulder and carrying her to his room. She screamed and pounded his back, laughing and kicking the air. He gently placed her down and kissed her again, opening the door for her after.


"You didn't treat me like a lady very much just then."

"Whatever do you mean, my dear."

"You're a horrible gentleman."

Feigning hurt, he hit his chest with his hand and watched her run into his room, drowning in his duvet. He joined her, bringing her close to his chest and burying his head in her hair. A muffled voice came from below him.

"Love you."

He kissed her head and chuckled at her antics.

"I love you too, my dear."

Words: 708

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