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Warning: implied smut

Theo's POV throughout most of the imagine

Look in the comments for translations ❤️

I LAID THERE IN SILENCE for about 45 minutes, all three of us did, Boris' arm around Y/N's waist, nails digging into her back as they faced each other. I was on my back, the lumpy mattress below me still supporting all of us, probably drenched in sweat, beer and god knows what else.

I looked over at Bor and Y/N, ever since we all met I thought they were closer, I wasn't jealous at all because it's not as if they didn't include me in anything, hell, after tonight's events I doubt I can do much complaining at all. They shared everything with me just as I did with them but something about how Boris looked over her and the lingering touches they gave each other before realising they weren't the only ones in the room. How Y/N always sat closer to him than to me. For a while, I thought there was something going on between the two but after many failing attempts to catch them doing something, anything that would help me connect the dots, I dropped it.

I was so hyper fixated on my thoughts I didn't realise Boris' hand move from her lower back to the lace of her bra. Bony fingers dragging themselves up her spine, circling the bruises on her body that matched ours from the malnourishment then folding the extra lace at the bottom of her bralette throughout his fingertips.

I felt Popchyck jump up on the bed, figuring out we had finished. My eyes felt heavy and with the humidity and aura of the room, I allowed them to close.

Time Skip

I didn't remember falling asleep but I woke up, the stickiness of beer clinging to the carpet of my room like the sleep dust in my eyes. I stuck my arm out and felt the soft skin of Y/N's thigh and I let my hand stretch out on top of it while I smiled at what I assumed to be her looking down at me, hair tangled and skin freckled from the swimming we had done these past few weeks. I felt a hand run through my hair as she leant down to kiss my forehead, not an unusual action for either of us, especially when we woke up before Boris as he seemed to get grumpy when Y/N wasn't giving him the attention he quote on quote "needed more than potter".

I saw a familiar pale arm shoot out from the other side of the bed and pull Y/N back down into his chest, fingers running up and down her sides making her squirm and laugh. I sat up and smiled down at them, then got up to get the water I had been craving all night from the kitchen.

"Don't fuck in my bed when I'm not there,"

I didn't expect a reply, I never normally got one, but a raspy, heavily accented voice ran from the quilts.

"We will!"

"You both disgust me."

I was going to get them together even if it killed me.

Words: 527

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