Looking for a taste of real life

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In which she explains to her friends what it was like in her boarding school

Warnings: none

Age: 15 - T.D 16 - you and Boris

Look in the comments for translations ❤️

SHE SAT IN FRONT OF THE GIRLS AT THE POOL SIDE as they watched her explain. Every now and then smiling fondly over the memories when they relapsed in her head.

They fixated on every inch of her face from the corner of her mouth twitching up when she smiled over the recollection to the hand gestures she used to help her elucidate better.

She grinned over the times when she used to sneak out of the dorm rooms to meet her friends and go to parties almost every night. How it felt to actually live outside the walls of the boarding school and how they used to drink alcohol they stole from the teacher's offices by fires they made in the town.

She had just turned 16 and her, Theo and Boris were on their way to the nearest park with the finest substances they could find to celebrate. As they walked down the street Boris had thrown his arm over her shoulders and pulled her close to him when she would get wolf whistled or catcalled.

They sat in the woods, hiding from the police, who had been called down to investigate some teens taking illegal drugs and underage drinking, Y/N spotted an empty police car and they all bolted toward it, her and Boris in the front and Theo in the back whining because the prisoner lock was on.

The one night the teachers caught them, they had told them if they carried on the way they were going then they wouldn't leave the school alive.

Boris' POV

His new founded bestfriend was stood in front of him in the field with long grass. Despite the mascara running down her face, the heels she had taken off because her feet hurt at the end of the night and how she was slightly swaying with the wind in her drunken state, she was beautiful. She was crying because these boys had lead her on and told her one of them liked her, they got her hopes up and for the first time she had felt loved if not at least appreciated.

"Boris, I hate those guys."

She sobbed to him repeatedly and Boris made it his mission to give her as much affection as it took for her to feel loved.

He realised then that that's the thing girls seemed to have in common, they look for the best in everyone then they put the love they need first. It seemed to be a curse that the slightest affection had her hooked. Or how she never stayed friends with any other girl because they always seemed to want to get to either him or Theo, every damn time.

"Hey don't cry over it принцесса, ты в порядке. You're ok."

Normal POV

The school had noticed that they weren't getting any better with their behaviour which was defeating the whole reason they were there in the first place. Everybody had noticed they seemed to be having too much fun, spending too much time together to all be "just friends."

They had started skipping school altogether and Y/N had somehow managed to seduce their boss into letting them drink on the job.
Most of the clubs they went into had table dancers and she seemed more interested into that than the boys did. The neon lights shone pink as people cheered them on whilst they took shots in what was supposed to be the dead of night.

Instead of going back to their dorm rooms now, they had broken into hotels and pools, they'd swim for hours until the police showed up and once or twice Y/N had to leave her top behind which ended in her running away from them in a black bikini top and taunting them to "get her whilst she's hot" so the boys had time to get their clothes on.

It was obvious that Y/N was able to stick out from the crowds with ease, with her cool beauty and swift movements. The ribbons tangled in her hair and the mean glare in her eyes. She was beautiful but not in the same way as the other clearly pretty girls in her school, she guessed that's why she stuck out, she was a degenerate.

Until she got the letter in the mail and had to run to Boris and Theo only to throw it at them whilst tears pooled in her eyes. Stuff had only gotten worse and because she had ignored the many warnings she was given, she was being sent away to an all girls school instead of a mixed one. She was being torn from her only friends and her only loves.

She stood upon the train platform, hugging and kissing them goodbyes, salty tears threatening to spill down her face. The train pulled up and she got on, she waved out the window to the two. A hard grip on the letters Boris and Theo had given her. The tears now overflowing and threatening to choke her. Although they hoped she would, the three of them knew all too well that she wasn't coming back to them anytime soon.

The bell had rung and the girls didn't budge, they sat there in awe in front of Y/N. One of them finally got up and hugged her and the other shook a few tears away from her face. Of course Y/N had written her boys letters and they had written back without hesitation. But she could never call because she didn't know the numbers and she wished more than anything to hear their voices again.

The loudspeaker called for her and with a sigh, the three girls stood up with her, she brushed her skirt down and pulled up her white knee high socks.

Outside the office door of the principal she had gotten to know quite well over the years due to the trouble she had still caused, Y/N started to wonder what she had done now.

When she got the ok signal to go in her heels clicked against the floor and her head shot up to two recognisable voices, lo and behold in front of her.

The two boys she had loved the most stood with huge smiles on their faces, and hope in their eyes that she recognised them but, how could she not?

Words: 1115

Sorry this one was really long, I didn't intend to go this far but Jesus Christ. Comment requests as I'm hot on running out of ideas. 🥰🥰

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