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Warnings: swearing??

Look in the comments for translations

THE WIND SEEPED THROUGH THE CRACKS OF THE WINDOW, whistling as it did such. Y/N was sound asleep until she heard the window open. She sat bolt upright and her head turned to the noise.

Her shoulders dropped and she unclenched her jaw when she saw the two idiots waving to her with the biggest grins she's ever seen. With a roll of her eyes she hopped out of bed to open the window for the boys as they tumbled into her room, clearly drunk.

"Принцесса!! I missed you!"

Boris grabbed her by her waist and dragged her toward him, making a face at Theo, who she was previously trying to take the bottle off of. He pouted and slammed the alcohol down on her desk only making Boris laugh and Y/N turn to see Theo throw himself at her bed.

"So just fuck me then, huh?"

"Ha! Potter you wish!"

Theo turned his head to the side and held his hand towards Boris who had now flung Y/N over his shoulder.

The noise they were making didn't seem to bother Y/N which in all fairness didn't surprise them as her parents were either away or they just couldn't hear because of the size of the house.

She squealed as Boris threw her back over his shoulder and into bed where he crawled next to her.

This wasn't a weird occurrence for them to climb into her bedroom at 4 in the morning or to have the three of them laying in bed like that. In fact it would be more weird if they went a week without it.

She turned toward Boris who shot her a drowsy smile and pulled her closer to him. It was quiet for a minute until she felt something grabbing at her waist and chest.

"Theodore, let go."

A whine came from Theo followed by something that sounded like but you love Boris more than me or it's not fair. She rolled over again so she was facing Theo and placed chaste kisses all over his face. Y/N pulled back and saw him smiling like a toddler just given his favourite thing.

Boris cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows.

"What the fuck is this? Maybe you love Potter more than me? Детка how could you?"

Y/N smiled at his melodrama and leaned down to kiss the corner of his mouth then lay back down next to the two again.

They fell asleep with Theo holding her hand, Boris with his lanky arms around her and the knowledge that the love they all shared was unconditional.

Words: 440

I saw this idea with someone else and I can't remember who wrote it so thanks for that one. Also i know it seems like everyone's in a polyamorous relationship here but they're all just friends lol. Sorry about the bad writing I have 0 ideas :,(

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