Another Irish Drinking Song

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Arthur followed Leon and Mordred to the pub muttering curses under his breath. Usually Merlin was with him to help him come up with an excuse but today he wanted to go as well. “Lighten up Arthur, everyone’s meeting us there. It’s St. Patrick’s Day, Merlin loves today, you know since he’s Irish.” Leon smiled and Arthur rolled his eyes, cursing Merlin in his head. The door of the pub opened slightly and the businessman heard laughter from the pub. Arthur smiled to himself when he picked out Merlin’s laugh. The three entered the small building and looked around. Gwaine was at the bar flirting with Percy while Merlin hung out with Gwen and a few others. 

Merlin perked up when he saw Arthur and waved wildly making Arthur sigh. “The idiot was already drunk,” Arthur thought to himself. “Having fun Merlin?” Arthur teased and Merlin nodded quickly, throwing himself off balance. He had on a t-shirt Gwaine bought for him a few days ago, ‘69% Irish.’ Suddenly Gwen appeared next to Merlin and whispered in his ear. Merlin’s grin widened and Arthur felt nervous from the look in his best friend’s eyes.
The man stood up straighter mockingly, “you’re right this CEO does need entertainment!” Merlin ran over to the bartender and whispered something. The lady nodded and soon a few others joined Merlin and Gwen, including Gwaine, Percy, Will, Lance, Elyan, and Arthur's sister Morgana. They all gathered at the makeshift stage, obviously all drunk.

They all started singing some weird toon until Merlin stepped forwards. “Gather 'round ye lads and lasses, set ye for a while. And harken to me mournful tale about the Emerald Isle. Let's all raise our glasses high to friends and family gone. And lift our voices in another Irish drinkin' song.”
 Will, Merlin's childhood friend, smiled and without a beat started to sing after Merlin, “Consumption took me mother and me father got the pox. Me brother drank the whiskey 'till he wound up in a box. Me other brother in the troubles met with his demise. Me sister has forever closed her smilin' Irish eyes.” 

All of the people on the stage joined in to sing the chorus, “Now everybody's died, so until our tears are dried. We'll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we'll drink some more. We'll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin' light. Then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin' once again.”

Soon after they finished the chorus Lancelot started, “Ken was killed in Kilkenny and Claire she died in Clare. Tip from Tipperary died out in the Derry air. Shannon jumped into the river Shannon back in June. Ernie fell into the Erne and Tom is in the Toome. 
Gwaine quickly started after Lance, leaning on him. " "Cleanliness is godliness, " me Uncle Pat would sing. He broke his neck a-slippin' on a bar of Irish Spring. O'Grady he was eighty, 'tho his bride was just a pup. He died upon the honeymoon when she got his Irish up.” Everyone laughed as they started to sing the chorus.

“Ol! Now everybody's died, so until our tears are dried. We'll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we'll drink some more. We'll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin' light. Then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin' once again.”

Gwen moved to the front and started to sing, “Joe Murphy fought with Reilly near the cliffs of Alderney. He took out his shillelagh and he stabbed him in the spleen. When Crazy Uncle Mike thought he was a leprechaun. But in fact he's just a leper and his arms and legs are gone.” At the end the small shy girl shrugged like she didn’t care.
Morgana hugged Gwen from behind and took over singing for her best friend. “When Timmy Johnson broke his neck it was a cryin' shame. He wasn't really Irish, but he went to Notre Dame. MacNamara crossed the street and by a bus was hit. But he was just a Scotsman so nobody gave a sh-” Morgana stopped before she swore and everyone joined in once again.

 “Now everybody's died, so until our tears are dried. We'll drink and drink and drink and drink and then we'll drink some more.We'll dance and sing and fight until the early mornin' light. Then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up and then go drinkin' once again. Ole!”

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