-20- 🌑 With You, I'm Safe

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Thorn's light brown hair is messy and unkempt from lack of tending to it, and still slightly damp from his shower. He raises his arms up in a stretch, causing his shirt to slightly lift and revealing a faint scar across his abdomen. The sight makes my jaw clench in anger.

"What are you doing out here?" I demand. "I told you to go back to bed after your shower. You should be resting."

"Come on, Tharn," Thorn groans. "I've been resting for two weeks."

"Two weeks is nothing."

"Maybe to a human, but we're not humans," Thorn needlessly points out. "Yeah, I still feel a little sore, but mostly my muscles just ache from lack of use. I need to get out and do something. Sitting in this house is seriously driving me crazy. My friends haven't even been able to visit me, because you and dad decided to keep this a secret from everyone!"

Type raises an eyebrow challengingly. "You really want to risk your friends' lives by telling them what happened? You know they'll all try to hunt down the wolves that attacked you, and possibly get hurt."

"No. I don't want that," Thorn groans in defeat, wiping his hand down his face. "I'm just tired of being cooped up. Can't we go out? I know you guys have an in with Jeed to get drinks at her bar."

I shake my head. "No way."

"Why not?" Thorn whines, reminding me of the way he used to whine when he was 5-years-old. He was such a cute kid. Always following me around, mimicking everything I did. Suddenly, the image of my 5-year-old brother covered in scars pops into my head, making my blood boil.

"Because!" I snap, harsher than I meant to. Thorn flinches, and Type places his hand gently on my knee. I clench my jaw and take a deep breath. "What if someone asks about your scars, huh? What are you going to tell them?"

"That it happened when I was studying abroad," Thorn answers quickly, as if he had already thoroughly thought about this scenario. And with the amount of time he's had to spend laying in bed, I don't doubt that he's thought of a hundred cover stories. "I can say I was in an accident overseas. No one has to know it was a wolf attack. Please??"

I open my mouth to deny his request when Type squeezes my knee. I look over at my mate, and he gives me a small, reassuring nod.

'It's okay,' Type says through our mind link. 'We'll be there the whole time. We can invite Champ, Team, and Techno. He won't be alone. He'll be safe, Tharn.'

Type's comforting reassurance makes my tensed muscles relax. I give him a small, grateful smile. Type grins back, slipping his palm from my knee into my hand. He squeezes my hand three times, and the gesture makes my heart flutter in my chest. I tear my eyes away from my perfect mate, looking at Thorn who is still staring at me expectantly.

"Fine," I say, making Thorn grin widely. "We can go to Jeed's bar. But! You have to stay with our group. I can't risk you getting hurt again. You can't wander off on your own."

"I won't!" Thorn excitedly promises. "Thank you so much, Thorn! And you too, Type. I'm sure you had to whisper in my brother's head to get him to change his mind. Shit, I'm so excited! Okay, I'm going to go get ready!"

Thorn rushes as quickly as he can up the stairs, with a slight hobble from his healing leg. I sigh deeply, slumping back onto the couch. Type chuckles, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer until my head is resting against him.

"Everything will be okay," Type soothes. "Thorn is going to be okay. You will be okay. If you start feeling like you're not okay, you can lean on me. I'm here for you, Tharn. Always." He brushes my hair back with his fingertips before pressing a kiss to my forehead. Warmth tingles in the spot he touched as my heart swells from his words. Fuck, I love this guy so much.

It's Only The Heat [TharnType 18+]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz