Q&A pt. 2

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Gumbie (Author)

Q: How long have you been writing?

Gumbie: I started my first Wattpad story in November of 2019. That one is "Never Again" and it's a Yoonmin story. I almost stopped writing after that book because I was putting so much effort into it, and it wasn't getting hardly any reads. But I stuck with it and I'm really glad I did! Before Wattpad, I only wrote stories for college assignments, and short stories that never left my computer.

Q: How old are you, and where are you from?

Gumbie: I am 22, and from the USA

Q: Where do you get your inspiration?

Gumbie: For "It's Only The Heat", I had to read a lot of BxB werewolf stories. That's how I discovered the wonders of slick (there are some really good wolf books in my reading list btw). As for the story lines, I just write what I would enjoy reading.

Q: When do you update?

Gumbie: Whenever I have the time and energy. I have a baby, a job, and hobbies that also take up my time. I'm on maternity leave right now so I have more time, but when I go back to work in May, that'll change. But hopefully this story is finished before then.

Q: Are you a writer by profession?

Gumbie: Nope! I'm a photographer, and I perform musicals with a local theatre company. I also help out with my in-law's company.

Q: Will you be including the one shot version of "It's Only The Heat" in this story?

Gumbie: Actually, no. The one shot was written to be just that; one single chapter. I've used that same concept where Tharn is the alpha wolf in love with Type, and Type is the omega that doesn't want a male mate. This book is the expansion of that concept, so it won't be the same or end the same.

Q: Will you include the Tharn/Type/Techno one shot in this story?

Gumbie: Uhh no. Techno has found his mate, and a threesome between those three would make things awkward for him. You can check it out in my one shots book, "One Shots By Gumbie", the chapter is up now!

Q: Can you make the situation between Type, Tharn, and Lhong easier? I don't like conflict.

Gumbie: Nope. Lol sorry. I like angst. Although I won't make it super angsty. I'll save that for my other books. Plus, a good story has conflict. Otherwise, there wouldn't be much of a storyline. "TharnType the Series" had a lot of conflict, and you all enjoyed that, yeah?

Q: Can you make it more romantic between Tharn and Type? Poor Tharn hasn't had any romantic or friendship moments with his best friend in ages.

Gumbie: Yes! The story needed to develop before the actually romance could start, but now we're getting there! I'm actually really excited to start writing about their happy times. 🥰

Q: Will there be any more scenes from Tharn and Type's past?

Gumbie: I can do that! I'll make little flashbacks about their childhood.

Q: Will there be a side story about Champ and Team?

Gumbie: I'm not going to write any side books, but I can talk more about their characters in this story. Also, if you guys want, I can write little extras at the end with the side couples' first times, or when they completed the mating process. Basically, just some extra smut for the side couples.

It's Only The Heat [TharnType 18+]Where stories live. Discover now