-02- 🌕 Not Afraid

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"If you love someone, and you're not afraid to lose 'em, you probably never loved someone like I do."
~Lukas Graham, 'Love Someone'


*Tharn's POV*

"Tharn," my father snaps his fingers at me. "Are you paying attention?"

Snapping out of my daze, I straighten in my seat. "Yes. Sorry, sir."

My dad huffs and turns back to the alpha of the Silver Sun Pack. "My apologies. Where were we?"

The meeting continues on, and I pretend to be listening intently. Honestly, this meeting is the last place I want to be right now. As the alpha next in line to take over as leader of the pack, I'm required to attend these boring meetings with my father. I don't see why these meetings are even necessary. Our pack has been at peace with the Silver Sun Pack for generations, and yet we're constantly having to meet to reaffirm the terms of the treaty.

And I'm not the only one who hates these meetings. Sitting across from me is Lhong, the son of the Silver Sun Pack's alpha. Lhong will become the next alpha leader of their pack, which means he's also forced to attend these meetings. As the two future leaders of the packs in this city, Lhong and I have known each other since childhood. But we're not close. At least... not emotionally.

Lhong's gaze keeps flickering over to me, but I keep my eyes down on the table. One of the reasons I dread these meetings is because I've been avoiding Lhong for the past several months, and being dragged into a room with him every so often is definitely a road block in that plan.

Right now, I don't want to think about Lhong. My mind keeps wandering to Type, and the fact that he turned 18 today. Today is the day everything will finally come to light. I learned Type is my mate the moment I turned 18, but kept it a secret from Type. I know how he feels about having a guy as his mate, but I'm confident he'll change his mind once he feels that undeniable connection you only feel with your mate.

My dad clears his throat, shooting me a warning look. I tear my eyes away from the table and refocus my attention on the two leading alphas in the room.

"You're wanting to expand your territory to cover the northeast side of the city?" My father questions Lhong's father, Zen. The man only nods in response. "You do realize that the university the members of my pack attend is in that territory, don't you?"

My head snaps up at that. If the Silver Moon Pack expands their territory to cover the land the university is on, I'd have to switch schools. I'm a business major, which was my father's decision. I had wanted to study music, but my father said that wasn't a practical field of study for the future leader of our pack. It would be better for me to study business. I've completed one year at the university so far, but I've already become immersed in the campus life. I would hate to have to switch universities and start all over. Lhong attends the university as well, and he also majors in business. We have several classes together, but I try to keep my distance.

"I understand," Zen says calmly. "The amount of territory my pack possesses is substantially less than the Golden Moon Pack. If we were to expand our territory, we could even that out."

"But you would be depriving the members of my pack of their education," my father argues. "If the university is on your territory, any Golden Moon wolves wouldn't be allowed on the campus."

"That's what I want to negotiate. I will allow the members of your pack to remain at the university, if you can guarantee they won't shift into their wolf forms on campus."

"And leave them defenseless in the event of an attack?" My father asks, incredulous. "Are you out of your mind?"

Zen clenches his jaw. "Do not insult me. If there is an event on my territory, my pack will handle it. Your wolves have no need to shift and involve themselves."

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