-14- 🌘 Little One

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"Little one, when you play, don't you mind what they say."
~Dumbo, 'Baby Mine'


*Tharn's POV*

I'm so excited.

I'm so fucking excited that I'm constantly having to check to make sure I'm not getting sweaty.

I'm leaning against my car in front of Type's apartment complex, waiting for him to come down to we can start our magical weekend together. These past few months have been better than I could have ever imagined. Type started opening up to my affection when we're not in heat, and even reciprocating a few of my embraces and kisses.

We're going to tell the rest of the pack soon, I'm just waiting for Type to give the okay. While I do want to go at the pace he sets, I'm also starting to feel a bit restless. It's unsettling as a wolf to have your mate hide you and refuse to let you mark him. But I want to be the best mate I can be for Type, which is what I remind myself whenever I feel restless.

He's coming around. He just needs time.

Despite what he says, I know Type is scared.

Scared of being tied to someone.
Scared of being loved.
Scared of being vulnerable.
Scared of being scared.

I know Type. He always covers his insecurities with that sharp tongue of his, trying to appear tough instead of weak.

What Type doesn't understand is that I have never seen him as weak. Even when we were little kids, I always saw the strength inside of him.

| Flashback - 10 years ago |

"Type?" I called out, the dry leaves crunching under my feet. The light from my flashlight helped guide me through the woods, and in the other hand I was tightly gripping a set of clothes. If my parents knew I was out here this late at night, they would smack me into next week.

But there was something more important out in these woods, and I knew he needed me.

"Type? Where are you?" I tried again. Again, no answer. I sniffed the air, trying to get a whiff of Type's scent. Most 10-year-olds wouldn't be able to use their sense of smell to track another wolf, but I was a natural born alpha. My abilities were stronger.

My ears perked up when I caught onto Type's scent. I followed the familiar aroma to the creek. A small body was curled up in a tight ball, rocking back and forth. My heart hurt seeing tears streaming down Type's round cheeks. He didn't notice me at first, and I walked over and kneeled in front of him. His head snapped up, and my breath caught in my throat. Type's eyes were red-rimmed from crying, and wide with fear. His short black hair was sticking up in random places, as if he had been pulling at his hair. I had never seen Type like this before. So frightened, so hurt.

But not weak. Never weak.

Type bared his little fangs at me in a feeble attempt to scare me away. I knew he didn't want to be mean, but he also didn't want me to see him like that.

"Type," I said softly, reaching out to him. Type flinched and I withdrew my hand. "It's okay, Type. I'm here."

Type looked away, grinding his teeth. "What are you doing here?"

"Why wouldn't I be here?"

Type glared at me sharply. "Aren't you going to laugh at me, like the others? Make fun of the scared little omega?"

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