-01- 🌕 I Feel Alive

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"Tonight, I'm gonna have myself a real good time. I feel alive."
~Queen, 'Don't Stop Me Now'


*Type's POV*

"Type! Where are you?" I hear my mom calling out. I snicker to myself as I hide behind the large tree in our backyard. Crouching down, I try to make myself as small as possible to avoid being seen. I love forcing my mom into a game of hide-and-seek.

"Type!" She shouts again. "Come on out! Tharn is here!"

My ears perk up when I hear the name of my best friend. I scurry away from the tree and run towards the house. A wide grin spreads across my face when I see Tharn standing next to my mom.

"P' Tharn!" I squeal, tackling him down in a hug. Tharn giggles and wrestles with me. He pins me to the ground and looms over me as if to brag about how much stronger he is than me. "P' Tharn!" I whine.

Tharn wrinkles his nose. "Don't call me P'. It makes me feel old."

"That's because you are old," I laugh as I push him off me. Tharn rolls over, pretending I'm actually strong enough to force him away. It's not really fair. Tharn was born an alpha, so he's naturally stronger than me. I'm just an omega, so I'm weaker than a lot of the other kids. That's okay though. If they try to mess with me, I'll still beat them up.

We stand up and brush the dirt off our clothes. My dad steps out onto the back patio and stands by my mom. When he pecks her on the lips, Tharn and I cover our eyes and pretend to vomit.

"Mom! Dad!" I whine. "Stop it, that's gross!"

My dad chuckles at me. "You won't think it's gross when you're older. You're still young."

"I'm not that young," I pout.

"You're 8 years old," my dad deadpans. "When you're older and find your mate, you'll want to kiss them all the time."

I gag at that. "That sounds gross. Girls have cooties."

My parents exchange a look that I don't understand. Tharn is still standing next to me with a goofy grin on his face.

"Hey, Type," Tharn says. "My mom said there's a new ice cream place a few blocks over. Want to go check it out?"

I excitedly look at my parents. "Can we??"

My mom nods her head. "Just stay together. And don't stay out to long. You need to be home before dark," she warns. I nod my head and excitedly jump around.

"Race ya!" I shout before taking off. Tharn shouts and runs after me. We zoom across the small town, going as fast as our little legs will carry us. I laugh wildly, racing alongside my best friend.

I finish buttoning up my shirt, smiling at the memory that's nearly a decade old. Tomorrow is a very big day, which is putting me in a great mood.

Tomorrow is my 18th birthday.

For werewolves, our 18th birthday marks the day we become full-fledged wolves. We become stronger, faster, and have access to our pack's mind link. Best of all, we're able to find our mate.

I've heard it's instantaneous. Once you've reached the age of 18, your inner wolf alerts you when you've spotted the mate the Moon has blessed you with. The moment you lay eyes on each other, you feel that connection. Some people find their mate right away, but it takes longer for others.

It's Only The Heat [TharnType 18+]Where stories live. Discover now