Author's Note

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They say sexuality is a spectrum which could be true but also not.
People base the amount of respect you get from them off what your sexuality is.
Which is honestly very wrong and ominous because it shows that they weren't educated on what being open minded is all about. If they understood why they said that maybe they would question themselves. But they don't henceforth making it extremely confusing because they say so.

Sexuality is not just something you can openly discuss with anyone, because people start judging the minute they know you don't fit the status quo. Which is wrong of them, they will label you according to your sexuality. They will discriminate against you for trying to be open with them. "Society says be yourself but what they don't tell you is that if you are yourself all you'll get is judgements and gossip and painful comments". People who you spoke to for so long not talk to you anymore. Maybe I'm going about this all wrong because instead of an aggressive approach I should let people decide for themselves what they want Sexuality to be. Sometimes we force not only our beliefs onto people but we in a way try to force them to be open minded about Sexuality as a whole.

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