Im only here to help (pt2)

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Jeremy woke up hours later. His head was still throbbing but the rest of his pain had lowered to a painful ache. He slowly sat up clutching his head and stumbled to the kitchen to get some Motrin or Advil or whatever the hell he could find. He looked over and saw the squip sitting on the counter with a face full of mock concern.

"Oh are you okay? Does your poor head hurt?" He asked in a baby voice. Jeremy didn't answer and just went about getting his medicine. He was rewarded with a dull shock up his spine.

"I asked you a question Jeremiah. You will answer me when I ask you a question"

"N-no I'm not okay and yes my head hurts" Jeremy whispered. Every word he spoke felt like a knife to the back of his eyes.

"Very good. See? If you respond with honesty you won't be punished. Now let's see what we can-"

"Please just not.....not right now......p-put any plans on hold."

The squip rolled its eyes and disappeared from sight. Jeremy soon received a text from Michael

[Hey man are you free today?]

[I am but I'm kinda sick]

[oh alright. Can I come over to your place then? I don't want you getting out if you're sick and I need to see you]

[okay sure. I'll see you soon ]

[see you in 20]

20 minutes later Michael arrived and could immediately tell something was up.

"Hey Jer. You feeling alright? I mean I know you're sick but you look like ass."

"I'm fine" he lied with a shrug.

"Alright whatever you say....anyways I need to talk to you"

"Talk away"

"I think.....I think one of the squips survived"

Jeremys eyes widened slightly but he quickly covered up his facial expression with one of concern. "Y-you do?"

"Jeremy he needs to leave"

"No he doesn't! Not yet at least!"

"Yes he does. Now."

"If I hear his theory then I can dissuade him from the idea!"

"If you try to pull anything you know what happens..."

"Yeah. Okay so think about it." He said as he pulled out a bottle of Mountain Dew. "This is the same size bottle we used to deactivate the squips. Some of it spilled out onto the stage while we were running and it needed to be drunk by 8 people. I know a few of them took rather large drinks which means it would've run out faster. There's no way everyone got to drink some! It's impossible"

"Pfft no offense bud but that's stupid."

"Oh it is?" He raised an eyebrow. "Well then at least humor me and take a drink of this" he pulled out another bottle of Mountain Dew but this time is was the red. "Everyone else has drank some. You're the only one left. I just want to make sure-"

"NO!" Jeremy yelled and knocked the bottle from Michael's hand. He didn't mean to! He didn't want to either. It was all the squips doing.

"Make him leave NOW"

Michaels eyes widened and he quickly picked it back up. "One blink yes two blink no. Did you want to do that"

Jeremy quickly blinked twice before the squip could interfere and a shock ran up his spine. The squip made sure he didn't make any signs of pain so it didn't get too suspicious.

"Was that a lie?"

Jeremy tried to blink twice again but he wasn't even able to blink once.

"You need to leave" the squip spoke through Jeremy's voice. Although his body was being controlled by the squip his eyes were full of fear and were begging for help.

"Oh the fuck I don't" Michael said and immediately jumped at Jeremy.

About 10 minutes later Jeremy was curled into a ball screaming in pain as the squip deactivated and Michael sat beside him hugging him and telling him things would be okay. Jeremy passed out and woke back up in his bed with Michael next to him holding out two pills and a glass of water.

"It's Ibuprofen. Your head probably hurts a shit ton"

Jeremy nodded and sat up a bit, taking the two pills with the water and mumbling out a quiet thank you. Michael stayed the night with Jeremy making sure he was okay and Jeremy thanked him over 30 times that night. When the next day came Michael stayed again just to make sure Jeremy was still okay.

Their friendship healed over those few days and they talked as though nothing had ever happened to begin with.

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