Night terrors (Angst)

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I don't normally do angst (even though I live for it???) but my life is currently shit rn so I'm using writing and music as my way to cope👌🏻 anyways I should probs do some trigger warnings.

Mentions of cutting
Brief torture
Night terrors
Graphic pain detail
Andddddd idk what else. Enjoy 💕

Falling. He was falling. His ears filled with screams. His body felt like it was being burned alive yet also frozen. His ribs were being punched by someone he couldn't see. His nerves were being electrocuted one by one until he couldn't breathe.

Help me help me help me help me help me help me help me please make it all stop. Stop! Please! I'm sorry! Help me! Oh my god I'm gonna die. I should die. I deserve to die... Someone please- I cant- oh shit what is that? Is that water? No fuckfuckfuckitsfireohmygod wait it's not fire? What is that? Oh shit-

He couldn't breathe

He felt like he was drowning

He deserved this....

It's all his fault

He didn't deserve to live. He deserved whatever this hell was. He needed to die here.


Then he heard it.


"That's right Jeremy. It's me." The figure of his best friend stood in front of him. In his crippled state Jeremy was forced to look up more than he normally did.

"I-I'm so sorr-rry I didn't m-m-mean what I said-d at the par-art-ty. You're my b-best friend!" The sobbing teenager weakly clung onto the hem of Michael's hoodie.

He was quickly kicked away by Michael's foot. A yelp of pain fell from Jeremy's lips as he fell back onto what felt like glass. It was as though he fell through the floor into a pitch black room. There was something else there with him though. Something he couldn't see, but could see him. A loud echoing scream tore through the pure silence that was the air causing Jeremy to cower in fear. Sobs caught in his throat. He couldn't breathe and anytime he was able to gasp in a breath it stung like poison. A black fog filled his eyes and smoke filled his lungs. He was dying. Jeremy prayed for his alarm to go off and wake him up, but he wasn't blessed with waking up. Instead he was cursed with staying in this own personal hell.

After what felt like hours of enduring this suffering he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up hopeful of it being someone to help. Oh boy was he wrong. Familiar eyes gleamed down at him and a whisper filled the air.

"Everything about you makes me wanna die"

Then it all went black.

An ice cold shock ran through his body and he sat up with a gasp.


Jeremy then proceeded to be tackled by a very worried Filipino boy. He almost immediately broke down in his arms and began sobbing into he shoulder. He tried his best to explain his nightmare and calm down at he same time which proved to be difficult. He had been having nightmares like this for the past few months after the squipcident, but hadn't told anyone. Of course he had to have his worst one yet when Michael slept over.

"Is that why you-"

"Yes Michael that's why I have new scars on my arms. That's why I've been shaky at school. That's why I haven't been t-talking to you-" a new wave of sobs came as he said the last sentence.

"Hey just breathe. Breathe for me okay Jer? I can't help unless you breathe. Okay that's a little better um....gosh I'm terrible at this I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you and I never was mad at you for what happened on Halloween. Well I was a little mad when it happened, but I was mainly sad- shitthatmadeitworse ummmmm Jeremy please just try to breathe. Hey look at me okay Jeremy? Jer please. I'm not upset I'm just worried. Just look- aw there you go! Hey it's gonna be okay, okay?" Michael wiped some of Jeremy's tears away and gave him a comforting smile.

Jeremy sniffled and was able to stop hyperventilating long enough to calm down a bit. "I-I'm s-s-sorry-"

"No. Don't apologize. You have nothing to apologize for. You're my best friend and you shouldn't apologize for something you can't control. I'm not mad or upset I'm just worried. If you don't wanna talk anymore about what happened that's totally cool. I just wanna know how to help you."

"C-can we just.....stay here a exist for a while?"

"Sounds like a plan"

And so that's what the two boys did. They no homo cuddled and just existed for a while. Jeremy was able to calm down in Michael's arms and Michael was able to register what just happened. Something the boys would never find out is that they inevitably got small boners from cuddling. Michael's was bigger.

I'm not sorry for ruining the moment🤪

Also I didn't proof read any of this so please tell me if I made a mistake😬

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