Rockstar au part 2 (boyf riends)

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Jeremy's pov

"Maybe you should step inside for a minute? If you get lucky maybe i can get you a good seat to see the show for free"

I nodded and hesitantly walked inside the vicinity. I was fidgeting with the sleeve of my cardigan like always. I could feel Michael walk in behind me after closing down the ticket booth. Basically everyone had bought their tickets online so there was no need for the ticket booth to be open. Michael started walking so I followed him. He walked backstage, allowing me to follow him and sat down on a crate of supplies they hadn't needed yet. I sat down on a small chair near the crate.

That's when he walked in.

The rockstar I had been dying to meet almost my whole life.

Wait a minute...he kinda looked like

"Richard Goranski?"

"Jeremy Heere?"

"No fucking way-"

"How did you get back here?"

"Michael let me back here" I said with a small glance at Michael. I honestly couldn't believe I was meeting up with Rich again. It had been years! Maybe he was just a stagehand? *insert random rockstar name here* always either wore face paint or a mask, but he couldn't actually be Rich!


"You two know each other?" Michael asked with a slightly confused look tainting his features.

"Yeah we used to in high school. We lost touch afterwards." Wow. Classic Rich. He made it sound like we used to be friends. Well we weren't friends. Rich used to bully and harass me every single day until our last day of school. On the last day he did something I'll never forget...

"Oh cool! I didn't know you used to be friends!"

"Neither did I..." I mumbled quietly under my breath. I knew I messed up when I saw a familiar look in Rich's eyes.

"What was that Jeremy?"

"Hm? O-oh nothing. I d-didn't say anything" I have a bad habit of glancing down at the floor when I lie. I also start shaking a little. Rich knew this because of how many times he's caught me lying to him to avoid getting beat up.

Michael cut in before Rich could respond. Thank God. "Heya Rich, Chloe just called in. It's time to do your makeup for the show."

Rich rolled his eyes slightly before saying a small thank you and walking to his dressing room. I shot Michael a small look of gratitude, but remained silent.

"What the hell was that about?" The Filipino boy asked as soon as Rich left.

I nervously glanced down at the floor before answering "W-what do you mean?"

"You used to be friends? You looked terrified of him!"

"Really? I uhm d-don't know what you mean Michael..."

"Cut the shit Jeremy. I'm not stupid. He looked like he was about to kill you and you looked like a deer in headlights!"

"Well when Rich said friends he just meant acquaintances..."

"More like enemies"

A small flinch on my behalf gave Michael all the answers he needed.

"Did he used to bully you?"

I nodded


Another nod

"And verbally?"

Ahahaha yep I nodded again. For some reason I felt as though I couldn't lie to Michael about this. I wanted to but I just....couldn't.

"Have any scars from it?"

More nodding

"How many?"

I looked up from the floor and quietly said "Six"


"K-keep your voice down!"

"Holy shit what did he do!?"

"W-well the one on my elbow was from when he shut me in my locker and I accidentally got it caught in the door before he shut it, but that was probably my fault not his. A-a-And this one is f-from when he jumped scared me on Halloween and I fell into the bushes and got stabbed by a stick. This one here is from the time h-he threw my backpack full of stuff at me and it accidentally cut me. The one on my foot is from when he shoved me into the street and I got scraped up pretty bad. That one is because of him stabbing me with a pencil. Oh and that one right here on my upper cheek is from when he set my science lab kit on fire and I got burned." I said pointing out every scar. Michael honestly look horrified as I talked. I mumbled a quick apology p, but was quickly cut off by arms wrapping around me into a tight hug. I obviously hugged back as tight as I could without squeezing too hard and automatically buried my head in his shoulder.

"Oh my god jer im so sorry that happened to you..."

"It's f-fine Michael. It's in the past"

"Clearly your hatred for each other isn't."

"Trust me I'm fine. I don't hate him and I'm not mad at all."

"You're terrified of him Jeremy!"

"And? I'm terrified of a lot of things Michael!"

"Name five"

"U-um spiders, being alone for life, Richard Goranski, you hating me, and the lucky charms goblin"

"...okay I'm not gonna mention some of those but I will mention the fact that you said Richard Goranski"

"Pfft no I didn'tttttt"

"Yeah you did"



"Well maybe I did! So what?"

"So you shouldn't live life in fear!"

I sighed and sat down on a stool. I knew he was right. Before I could say anything a message came in the loud speaker telling everyone to get ready. Michael and I quickly exchanged numbers and rushed off to where we were supposed to be.

This chapter sucks but it's two am and I'm tired af and I don't feel like proof readingggg.

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