Chapiter 3: Movie

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The movies... A scene you often seen in drama, but the one in Goblin was just so hilarious 


Sunday morning I'm knocking on a door, hoping the person I'm looking for is in here. After waiting a moment my prayers are answered as the door open on brown disheveled hair. He cast me a confused look.

"Ming? What are you doing here?" He asks while putting some order in his hair.


"Wayo told me where you lived. I wanted to plan my next move with you."

A sweet smell caress my nose.

"I'm busy Ming"

I frown. Feeling off. He can't be that busy all the time. Or maybe he's with someone? Does he have a friend over, or a lover? That would explain where all his ideas come from.

"What are you doing?" I inquire as I go inside without waiting to be invited. "Oh you're cooking, I didn't know you could cook. What are you making?"

I make my signature smile and take a place on the chair to see his work. There's one glass of water beside the furniture and I don't see anyone else. I didn't know he liked to cook. Such a waist to cook for one person. I made the right decision to come.


He takes a long breath before dropping his shoulder.

"Can I help you?" I ask, not letting him finish. There's no way I'll leave when I couldn't reach him the whole week. I know Yo told me they had exams but still, he could have made a small reply.

Kit rolls his eyes before giving in and close the door.

"You're impossible."

I grin. "That's what my mom tells me all the time"

Kit's lips turn in a disbelieving smile, showing his dimples. His eyes looking strangely at me.

"Alright. You want to help?"

"Yes!" I reply immediately.

He puts me to work and we silently work side by side making pancakes. I don't cook often so it's a new and interesting discovery for me.

After half an hour we finally get to eat delicious hot pancakes.

I never thought I could have so much fun cooking. P'Kit was patient to explain to me how to do it, laughing when I made everything fell instead of getting angry. It's the first time I hear him laugh. It's contagious and so relaxing.

I feel that the Kitkat from my memory didn't change much after all. He's still gentle.


Our bodies brushed together from time to time in the small space and I took this opportunity to annoy him, tickling him on the ribs as soon as I pass behind him, making him jump. My body moved on its own to have more by pocking is dimples awakening the grumpy kitten.

His yelling made me want to tease him even more as his red face killed all the serious tone of his voice.

I enjoy making him blush, it's so easy. The shy kid from high school is still there, that makes me happy.

I remember I asked him something about Pha one time for Yo back then. He had become completely red and had stutter an answer before running away. He was so shy and so cute at the same time.

I discovered that he's still the same, just that he hides it behind grumpiness and blush less than before.

"So I assume you wanted my help to court your senior?" he asks me as we eat our food.

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