Chapter 1: Help

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The pictures on top of chapters come from various drama I've watched. If you don't know what to watch stuck at home you can check them. This one is from the kdrama "She was pretty"


You start university one month after others and your best friend got a boyfriend, everybody already knows each other and a pile of homework is waiting for you...

I can hear Yo's voice ringing in my ear "I told you not to get too cocky on your bike! Now your leg is in a cast and we won't start university together!"

I hate it when he says his I told you so. It's not like I did it on purpose! I couldn't have known a cat was going to cross the street just like that. That's how my parents got a new cat and me a new cast.

It has been tough to catch up with all of this, luckily I quickly made some friends who helped me. I got to know or to see again Phana, Yo's only love and now boyfriend. I imposed myself once or twice on their date to check if he was treating him right.

Time fly fast with class, friends. I just love university life.

We're already in the middle of the year when I see the most interesting girl. It's a senior from engineering I've never saw before.

We were eating lunch when she taught a lesson to a senior bullying a freshman. Her long brown hair waiving in the air as her voice made all faces turn toward her. As he try to raise a hand she punch him on the chest, making him wince in pain.

I'm impressed. Her cute face makes an interesting contrast with her fighting skills. Her line body and malicious eyes made my heart jump.

I grin, it's been too long since anybody caught my eyes It's time to get back in the game!

Being me, I go straight to her asking her out to get rejected almost immediately.

I froze for a while.

That's a first!

Usually it's girls who run after me and I've never been rejected before.

Of course I didn't give up that easily, instead I was even more interested than before. So I kept getting back to her, only to see her eyebrows furrowing more. Gosh even her mad face is cute!

Yet I didn't make any progress. Two week of useless try out I call my best friend Yo, ranting once again on the phone.

"I don't know what to do anymore! Nobody ever said no to me. I keep asking but she doesn't bulge"

"Chase after her! Court her"

"That's what I've been doing for a week but she still doesn't get my name right. This is so frustrating." I groan on the phone.

"Finally someone who can resist the great Ming"

I can hear him smiling at my misery.

"Don't laugh, you're supposed to help me Yo"

He gets silence for a while before answering "You know, I may know somebody who could help..."


"He's the one who helped me get with P'Pha. If not for him, I think it would have taken far more time."

"What help did he give?" I ask curious.

"Well... It was small things. He kept watch on Pring to be sure she won't be a problem. He told me to try to get close to him to see his reaction. You know once I tripped under the rain on purpose and Pha caught me and it was... magical... Another time I was a little car sick and I put my head on his laps to see if he would reject me... Just small things to get closer to him." he tells me in a dreamy voice before yelling "You better never tell Pha any of this, I promised him it would be a secret!"

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