Still nope.

What about now?

Would you give it a rest!

I gave a wistful sigh, such a shame!

I clenched my fists, my -extremely unnecessary and most times uncontrollable- anger flaring up as someone stumbled into me, a string of curses followed closely -from me or her or both, I couldn't tell-

"Aren't the butterflies pretty?" she slurred "not as pretty as you but still!"

Any reply I wanted to utter died -a brutal death- on my lips the minute I met Fall Dawn's golden orbs, her expression bright, peppy and quite obviously wasted.

What the hell?

I was genuinely scared, mostly because I had never seen Fall this happy, heck I don't think I'd ever seen her happy at all. I didn't need a lit up bulb to know she was drunk borderline almost totally wasted-, her left hand placed lightly on my chest -making me gulp-, her smile brightening by the second.

I tilted my head to study her, I think I liked this new Fall.

I remembered how her fingers tapped impatiently against her desk, her eyes twitching occasionally in irritation, how she shot me a deadly glare I knew she had done to the several others before me, how she flatly rejected me before I even got a chance to open my mouth.

Offcourse, it stung but I wasn't a douche. I knew when to leave a girl and feign indifference to the situation.

"What are you doing here Fall?" I whispered- very wary of her smile, glancing around to see if anyone had noticed her.

It wasn't because I cared about her, it was because I was too popular to, it would only give those that hated me something to use as a bargaining chip- and I didn't want that, I'm sure it was safe bet to assume neither would she.

I was selfish, and I was disgusted with my way of thinking-but I couldn't deny it made things easier when it came to terms of the heart, a quick hit and run is where it's at now-. I didn't like it, hell I didn't like a lot of the things I did but that doesn't mean I put any conscious effort into rectifying them.

I let out a sigh, swept my long blonde hair-that I had decided to let run ribbon-less- before I grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me.

"Dance with me?" That was all I asked, all I wanted-right now atleast. A chance, a little shot at redemption.

"Off course not silly!" Even in her drunk state, she still sounded like she was judging me.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise as she began pulling me away. She watched me for a second before she let out a soft laugh, it rang in my head over and over and over. It sounded like music-the kind of music only she could make, like summer, like sunshine, like my shot at redemption.

The kind of sound that could coax me into making a huge-humongous mistake, a beautiful mistake, a mistake that had Fall's name written all over it.

I let myself be pulled away to the balcony, she laughed again leaving me enthralled as she placed her hands on my shoulders. My heart quickened, it was maddening, her touch made me react like a school girl falling in love for the first time. She smiled, a shy one this time as I felt my knees go weak, my chin quivering.

I fought to keep my composure-a brutal battle, mind you! "I thought you said you didn't want to dance" I whispered.

She smiled again, I could see the vixen in this one "I don't!"

I felt her lips on mine, a thousand and one thoughts passing through my head at the same time. I felt fireworks as our lips moved perfectly with the other-like they had been made for each other. I ran my hands through her caramel brown hair, they flowed between my fingers like silk.

I shut my eyes tightly, trying to summon the will-power to stop this, stop us -only it took me a while to figure out but no such force existed- before she would do something she would end up regretting by the time the haze brought about by the alcohol cleared up.

Only she had already pushed me off her.

With begrudging respect, I could also admit that Drunk Fall was still a Smart Fall.

I stared at her, watching with a smile -the first genuine one of this month- as she sauntered out of the balcony while I placed a hand on my chest trying to calm my ragged breath and racing heart.

She had left me stranded in an ocean of thoughts without so much as a raft or life vest, and I could only hope I didn't drown in it.

Author's Note:
Chapter 5 officially finished.
Who loves Rowan? Hands up.❤❤❤

Also I've finished Cyan's aesthetic, so I'll probably post it on the introduction page. Just refresh the book to see it🤗

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