Chapter 3

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"Taayylorr," I hear in a singing voice. A hand comes into contact with my shoulder. I open my eyes slowly as the bright sunlight beams through the window of the room, and turn my head to my left. Amy's face is only millimeters away from mine, and she's smiling.

"Good morning sweetie. What's got you smiling so much today," she says in that soft voice of hers, giggling. Only now do I realize I have the biggest, corniest smile on my face, and then I start laughing too. "I had I dream," I begin, answering her question. "It was about a beautiful girl, with stunning dark brown hair. And she was in my bed cuddling up with me. She's so beautiful."

"Aww," she coos, giggling again. "I'm guessing that girl was me," she says.

"How did you know," I ask, smiling at her, and she starts blushing. She doesn't answer she just laughs. And then she pulls me closer and connects her lips to mine. We stay connected like this for a while until she pulls away. That's when her phone goes off.

"Urghh, noo I don't wanna go to shift today," she whines. Amy's a paramedic, and sometimes she gets called in for consecutive shifts with no break in between. I think last night was the first night she spent home in three days. But what can you do? Winter's a time where people get hurt more often.

I groan. "I gotta do a shoot and a few interviews today," I complain with her.

While Amy's in the shower I decide to make us breakfast. I open the fridge and grab some eggs, mushroom, spinach and some cheddar. It's one of Stef's omelette recipes she taught me. I still make it every so often, sometimes it almost seems like a routine thing to do. After a few minutes of preparing I feel Amy's arm wrap around me from behind. It's kind of soothing.

"You're really good at this T," she says softly. As I hear those words come out of her mouth, something in me makes me freeze. It quickly becomes uncomfortable, but I try to hide that. I nod and keep cooking, my mind travelling elsewhere.

I rub my eyes as I wake up to a warm summer morning in New York City. I see a lump under the covers next to me so I let it be. I have some filming to do in the city today and I have to leave in about an hour. I hop into the shower real quick and then decide to make some breakfast, and I know exactly what I want. An omelette with spinach, mushroom and cheese.

Once I get downstairs and into the kitchen, I grab what I need in the fridge and get cracking. It's cooking now, and that's when I feel a small and warm pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind, and a head rest against my right arm.

"You're really good at this T." It's Stef. "It looks even better than mine." I turn around and see her smiling. Then she looks up into my eyes, her beautiful grin still intact. I smile back, and wrap my right arm around her. "Well you're a good teacher," I say back to her before kissing her cheek. I soon realize she's wearing one of my flannels, which makes my smile grow wider.

"Hey, isn't your rehearsal only in the afternoon? Why aren't you still resting," I ask.

"Well I was but I don't want you to wake up alone. I figured I'd spend part of the morning with you since we won't be seeing each other again until tonight," she answers. She's always been so thoughtful like that. She always wakes up early with me and waits up for me if I'm filming til like ten at night or something.

My food's ready, but I decide I don't wanna eat it alone. I put my omelette into a plate and cut it in half to share with Stef. We sit across from each other at the table and eat together, always looking back at each other between bites, talking and laughing like every peaceful morning we share together.

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