Chapter 13

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I hear the last bell ring and slowly get my things ready so I can leave. Apparently my grandma's coming to get me and take me to her house for a few hours and I need to go to the hospital after. No one said why yet and I'm a little worried.

The hallway is filled with kids; it's hard to walk around. I have to squeeze through a few people. Before I know it something grabs my shoulder. When I turn around, my teacher Ms. Watson is looking down at me.

"I'd like to see you for a minute," she says. I follow her to the end of the hall, back into the classroom. She asks me to take a seat in the chair across from her at the teacher's desk and she sits across from me.

"Joseph the reason I wanted to talk to you is because I'm a little concerned. I just finished grading last week's history test," she says as she shows me my test. It has a D written in the top right corner. "This is the fourth test in a row where I've seen your grades slipping. You don't have to panic yet because you're still passing, but this is not like you. I'm not sure if you don't understand the material or if there's something else going on in your personal life that's affecting your studies."

"I'm fine," I answer her.

"That's not what your friends are telling me. I talked to them a little bit and they all tell me you're a lot quieter than usual and that you don't go out or spend as much time with them. I've noticed that in class and in the school yard too. I won't ask you because I don't want to force you to tell me but I suggest you do ask for help or talk to somebody you trust about whatever is troubling you because I am worried. So are your friends."

I just nod at her slowly but deep inside I'm impatient. I just wanna get out of there. I wanna go to my grandma's and then to the hospital so I can know what's going on because I'm very scared. Urgh why can't my family just have a normal day for once? Where I can just come home, walk through the door, be greeted by my mom and dad, do my homework at the kitchen table and have a family dinner and not end up in a magazine the next day? Like a normal kid. That's all I want. A normal life. But I can't, can I? No. I have to be followed by a bunch of dudes with cameras everywhere. And have fans calling my name wherever I go (not that I don't like them because they're pretty cool and they care about me and my family a lot but sometimes they're a little much). I have to move from house to house every two weeks, I hate my dad's girlfriend and I'm scared she'll be my stepmom one day. I'm probably not gonna see my sister for almost an entire summer, or my mom, which means I'm gonna be in an apartment with Amy and my dad for three months, which I'm not ready for. Even though I said I didn't want to come on the tour, it bugs me. But of course, instead of telling my teacher that whole story I just answer with an "okay" and walk out.

On the way out, I'm barely even looking at where I'm going, and I feel myself bump into somebody. Their books fall all over the floor and I hear younger kids laugh. I feel bad so I turn to her and help. "I'm sorry, are you okay," I ask. But the person doesn't talk. She looks up at me with her really big brown eyes. Emma Decody. The pretty girl everyone in my class picks on because her asthma makes her wheeze. Even my friends do it and it makes me feel bad for her sometimes, but I'm kind of shy to talk to her. She nods her head and says "thank you" with a smile when I give her books back and help her up. Then we both walk away quietly.

Instead of finding my grandma I see my grandpa waiting for me outside, which I don't mind. I like my grandpa. He's really fun to be around. He smiles when he sees me walk to his car and lets me in the front seat. Then he comes to the driver's seat and we head to his place. I don't really say much on the way. "Is everything okay," he asks. I shake my head 'yes' so I don't have to tell him what's going on. But I feel like he knows. "Okay hot chocolate at the restaurant. We're gonna talk," he says to me. Then the car makes a sharp right turn and heads for Joanne.

He hands me a cup of hot chocolate made just the way I like it. I thank him and he sits across from me. I don't drink it yet and I look down at the table because I don't really wanna talk. "Are you sure you're okay Joey? Usually you chug this in ten seconds." I shrug my shoulders. "What's wrong? You're not yourself. I see that you're not yourself. So does your mom." He slides his phone across the table. I read a text my mom sent him while we were on the way here. It's telling him to spend time with me and try to get me to talk because she's worried. Then I slide the phone back to him.

"Come on buddy, what's bothering you?"

"This family I guess," I say softly.

"What about this family," he asks.

"Like... sometimes I don't feel like I'm in a normal family." He nods to tell me he understands. "Okay. What makes you feel like your family's not normal?"

"A lot...."


In those five to six seconds our lips re-attach the whole world changes. But for the first time in a while, it changes for the better. The last thing I want is to let go, but like all good moments, this one must come to an end.

"I love you too," she says to me. Small tears form at the corner of her eyes, as they do in mine. I take her beautiful delicate hand in mine. It makes her close her eyes and cry, so I bring my other hand to her cheek, but my whole world stops when I see her take it away and turn to the side.

"Stef?" She shakes her head 'no' and tears her hand out of my grip.

"I'm sorry Tay."


I feel really cold, I can tell the bed under me and even small strands of my hair are wet with tears. So I hug my mom tighter, only to realize she's a pillow when I squeeze. She's not here with me. She must've left. I don't know if she's coming back. I might as well open my eyes and check what time it is. And just as I do, I'm frozen, and scared out of my mind. I feel my chest tighten and sweat drip from my forehead and under my arms. I can barely breathe.

"W-what are you doing here," I ask.

"Ava, what are you talking about? I'm technically your mom, and besides I found you out there. I'm just checking in to see how you're doing."

"I was good until I saw you. Get out."

"Come on Ava, be serious here. Taylor and Gaga are divorced, he's dating me, you're biologically my kid and he adopted you. You honestly think I'm not gonna be in your life?" I feel goose bumps creep their way up my arm and the tiny hairs rise and stiffen above them. I feel tears fighting to come out and I wanna let them so badly, but I don't. My mom taught me not to be afraid. She won't let anyone hurt me, and I won't let myself be hurt.

"I'm stating it outright. You left me all alone in an old house when I was a month old to rot you psycho. Because of you I was beaten senseless almost every day for four years. I could've died from all the injuries and neglect I got in foster care. Actually I could've died of starvation after you left if no one would've heard me screaming and crying. If you think you're coming anywhere near me you're out of your mind," I say, feeling the rush of power run through me as I defend myself for the first time in my life.

"I also saved your life today so if you think I'm out to ruin your happiness then that concussion has rendered you insane."

"If you really weren't out to ruin my happiness you'd be out of this hospital, out of this relationship you have with my dad and out of my life."

"So you would've rather died today than have me save you?"

"YES," I screamed.

"What?" A small whisper interrupts our loud conversation. Amy and I both turn our heads to the doorway and find her there, tears ready to come pouring down her face. My mom.

Taking character names from Bates Motel: a memoir. And in other news I am back!!!

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