CHAPTER TWO: The Host Club

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"Fujioka, I don't think-" Nekozawa began to protest once they had reached the doors to Music Room #3, his heart now beating erractically at the prospect of becoming a host.

"Pardon me, Nekozawa-senpai, but let me do this for you. Please," Haruhi turned and clasped his shoulder gently, dark eyes full of understanding. "If you don't like it, then I can't force you to stay. Who knows? Maybe you'll fit right in."

Nekozawa highly doubted that he would 'fit right in', but he accepted the first-year's words of comfort with a shaky sigh.

"Have it your way, then. Let's just get this over with," he huffed impatiently, secretly squirming with nerves.

Steeling himself for the inevitable, Nekozawa uneasily clung to Haruhi's arm subconsciously. Fujioka remained silent as the large doors slowly swung open, rose petals riding the faint breeze it created. Inside was Ouran Academy's famed Host Club, all gathered in their signature poses.

"Welcome to the Host Club- Wait, Nekozawa?!" they all simultaneously gasped. They being Kyoya, Tamaki, Honey, Mori, Kaoru, and Hikaru.

Tamaki Suoh, the self-proclaimed "King" of the Host Club, darted to hide behind Kyoya Ootori, the one who managed the club's budget and profits. Kaoru and Hikaru, the Hitachiin twins with homosexual tendencies, had identical expressions of mild surprise, suddenly realizing why Haruhi had not wanted to entertain them earlier. Even Mori, who had a curious Honey on his shoulders, was abandoned by his stoic features and raised his eyebrows in questioning.

"H-Haruhi, get away from him or he'll curse you!!" Tamaki exclaimed, drained of all color as he trembled in Nekozawa's presence.

"Shut up, senpai," Haruhi rolled her eyes at his ridiculous antics and gestured to Nekozawa with a cute smile. "Nekozawa-senpai was invited here by me. We'd like to have a word with you all."

Nekozawa found himself being led to the velvety couches, where the hosts all settled down and waited to hear the pair out. The twins were wrapped around themselves, Honey bounced up and down excitedly on Mori's knees, and Tamaki clung to Haruhi the moment she sat down, effectively singling Nekozawa out. His hands shook beneath his long sleeves, prepared to stand if need be. That is, until Kyoya grabbed one of his arms and pulled him down to sit next to the raven-haired boy.

"Please do sit with us, Nekozawa," Kyoya stated simply, face void of emotion. "I have a feeling I know what this is about, and it would benefit us all if you settled down quickly."

An unseen blush conquered his pale skin but he obliged, sitting silently as he stared down at his Beelzenef puppet. This was embarrassing. As a matter of fact, he should leave right now. He didn't belong here, amongst Ouran Academy's handsomest male students. Socializing wasn't something he was particularly fond of, as many people were put off by his fascination and involvement with all things occult. This was stupid. How could he even-

"Become a host?" Hikaru questioned suspiciously.

"Yeah, are we still talking about Nekozawa here?" Kaoru asked, eyes narrowed. "I mean, we don't know anything about the guy."

"On the contrary," Kyoya spoke up suddenly, "I do. I've done plenty of research on Nekozawa's background, and he's been cleared."

"And I will admit that perhaps he's rusty, but give Nekozawa a chance," Haruhi flashed him a warm look.

"We'll never know unless we try," Mori said, much to the shock of the other hosts.

"Yeah! We should give Neko-chan a chance!" Honey chirped cutely.

Everyone turned their attention to Tamaki, who had not yet spoken his opinion. They were all aware of his fear for Nekozawa, and that itself made the answer unpredictable. Should Tamaki object, Nekozawa would be turned away. Decisions were made unanimously.

"Well, Boss? What do you think about Nekozawa joining the Host Club?" the twins inquired at the same time, more or less indifferent to the situation.

They all held their breath as Tamaki rose and stood before Nekozawa himself, his expression hidden by his blonde locks. Inwardly, Nekozawa was freaking out. He would say no. There was no way he would become a host. He'd have to go through the walk of rejection and find a way to scurry away as fast as possible. Accepting Fujioka's help was a huge mistake. He dared to look up, hoping his lips weren't quivering.



Tamaki yanked the cloak's hood down, taking the dark wig Nekozawa always wore with it. Feeling exposed, a deep flush flared up on Umehito's cheeks, blonde strands of hair sticking to them as he stared up at Tamaki.

"Welcome to the Host Club."

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