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Nekozawa stumbled down a grand hallway (just one of many within Ouran Academy), nearly tripping over his black cloak as he pushed through the throng of students. Beelzenef, a hand puppet in the shape of a white cat with an evil look on its face, was thrown to the ground by his feet when he reached his destination. Face shielded by the shadows his attire created, he carefully read and reread the sheet of paper posted to the door.


Due to recent and numerous complaints, the Black Magic Club has been shut down. Effective immediately. Members can no longer use this room or any rooms on campus for any purposes related to this club.

We offer our sincerest apologies for any inconveniences.

Ouran Academy Staff

At first, his expression was blank, but as the seconds ticked by it slowly molded into a look of terror with a dash of sorrow. It was a blow straight to the chest, and long after the trickle of students disappeared, after the bell rang for class, he still stood, rigid. At one point Nekozawa's knees buckled beneath him and his legs hit the polished floor with a soft thud. Beelzenef stared up at him.

This.. This can't be happening..! His fingers clawed and gripped at the folds of his cloak until his knuckles turned white. He was hunched over, curled in on himself because it felt like everything else was closing in on him. The one safe haven he had at Ouran Academy had been snatched away from him.

Despite not having a large attendance of members, the Black Magic Club was Nekozawa's second home. The few friends he had were members, and all were underclassmen that he never got a chance to see during the school day. Now he wouldn't be able to see them at all, isolating him from his peers even further. Home was a whole other story altogether, with his beloved sister Kirimi afraid of him and his ways.

It didn't take long for the first tears to form, making his eyes watery and messing up his dark contacts. Within minutes they splattered onto the floor beside Beelzenef. Nekozawa's teeth grit and slid against each other as his shoulders softly shook. He was using everything he had to keep it together, but already he could feel himself falling apart.

By the time he was able to keep the waterworks at bay, the bell rang once again and he rose shakily, hastily slipping Beelzenef back onto his hand. The puppet's ears were bent downwards, a sadder look on its fabricated face as Nekozawa fled the scene.

Haruhi Fujioka, a first-year student guised as a boy, watched the retreating silhouette of the third-year before walking over to the door. She cocked her head to the side when she saw the paper, then glanced down the hall, which was quickly filling up with students once again.


A/N: So I wanted to redo the first chapter, so here. Sorry for any confusion, but I wasn't satisfied with the previous work of mine! Enjoy c:

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