CHAPTER ONE: Haruhi's Offer

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"Hey, Haruhi. Wanna play?"

Two identical boys with flaming orange hair and devious smirks popped up from behind Haruhi Fujioka, each one latched onto her shoulders with hopeful eyes. They were first-years in her class; the troublesome Hitachiin twins, Kaoru and Hikaru. She sighed and shook her head, books held firmly to her chest as she left the classroom. The last class of the day had just come to a close, and she had spent a large portion of it thinking about what she had witnessed earlier that day. An idea had formed in her mind and currently it was nagging at her, begging to be spoken. Haruhi had important matters involving a certain dark person that needed her immediate attention.

"Sorry guys, but I have to finish some things. I'll be in time to see you at the Host Club later, okay?"

Without waiting for their reaction, Haruhi sped off, leaving the twins to look at each other in cofusion before shrugging the whole ordeal off. It was often that she had little time for silly things because she was always so busy with her work. They thought nothing of her behavior and walked away to find someone else to bother.

Meanwhile, Nekozawa emerged from the academy's clinic, head down and gaze fixated on the floor as he trudged down the hall. Getting through the academic day was a real struggle after this morning's news. His mood was soured, and it was the talk of the school. He pretended not to notice the pituful eyes the students bore as he passed by them. He pretended to ignore the scoffs and hushed snickers of his harassers. Weird. Freak. Oh, poor, poor Nekozawa, getting his club shut down. Whatever shall he do? Bah. They can shut up for all I care. Jerks. Despite his bitter thoughts, the ache in his chest remained, overflowing with grief. It wasn't until a tap on his shoulder reached in and forcefully pulled him out of his silent wallowing. With a guarded expression, Nekozawa glanced at the intervener.

"Nekozawa-senpai. Are you okay?" Haruhi asked calmly, brown eyes shining with concern.

Startled, he backed out of the Host Club member's grip, quickly looking around for any sign of Tamaki Suoh or the Hitachiin twins. No and no. Whew. He straightened up and watched Haruhi curiously, blue eyes peeking from underneath the hood of his cloak. Not since the Kirimi incident or the Halloween prank did the Host Club pay him any mind. Which he was perfectly fine with. Dealing with the twins' hurtful antics was not something he could put up with. People were mean enough to him.

"I'm fine! What makes you think I'm not? See, Beelzenef is in a wonderful, cursing mood!" he lied, waving Beelzenef in Haruhi's face.

"Well, Beelzenef doesn't look happy at all," Haruhi pointed out; and she was right. The puppet was frowning, ears bent back. "And I heard about what happened to the Black Magic Club."

Nekozawa's arm fell back down to his side, a shadow falling over his face. His mouth felt dry, his tongue shifting restlessly as his lips failed to come up with an excuse. Not one person had approached him about it. Leave it to the commoner to be more mature than the entire student body.

"..and what of it, Fujioka?" he asked darkly, hidden eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I don't want your pity."

"I know you don't," Haruhi said without missing a beat. "I know what it's like to have someone pity you. See, I don't feel bad for you. Not at all. It's because I have an offer, if you would consider it, Nekozawa-senpai."

"Out with it, then," Nekozawa stepped closer, interested in what Haruhi could possibly offer him.

"Join the Host Club."
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A/N: So like it's been months since I last posted. I lost muse for this story for a long time and had no idea where I wanted to go with it. Then life stuff happened and just ugh. Hopefully I am back to stay and I apologize for the unexpected hiatus. New cover courtesy of my good friend Pewdiekawaii. I love it so freaking much!<3

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