The Hard Part

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"Now that we have that nasty tube out of the way, you people can have yourselves a much-needed chat," Bailey sighed, before leaving. Derek still sat next to his sister, his arm wrapped a little tighter around her now. Meredith sat in a nearby chair with her knees pulled up to her chest.

Derek looked down at her. "Hey Jellybelly."

She smiled weakly up at him. "Hey, Der-Bear."

Callie chuckled. "'Der-Bear?'" All eyes turned to her. And she shuffled uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, I really don't know why I'm here. This is a family conversation, but it was the only way I could get Mark to stay in bed. He wants updates, so..."

Lydia smiled. "It's fine, um... I suppose Mark deserves answers too." She leaned back closing her eyes as she struggled to wade through her thoughts.

"What happened?" Derek whispered, watching her carefully. "I knew that this was a problem in the past, but you should have told me something was happening again."

She shook her head, tears already trickling down her cheeks. "No... Derek I couldn't. You... You can say you'd understand, but..." She opened her eyes to look at him, shaking her head. "You can't, Der. You just can't."

"Then make us," Meredith jumped in as she stood. "If we can't understand, try to make us."

Callie nodded in agreement. "Look I've worked with addicts before and you're-"

"I'm not an addict!" Lydia snapped with a sudden wave of rage that made everyone lean back, including Derek. Instantly, she froze, realizing her mistake. She sighed, taking a moment to compose herself before trying again. "I'm sorry, but I hate that word. I'm- I'm not. I just-" She looked to her brother for help. "I just needed... Look I have this under control."

"Except that you're a thirty-five-year-old having multiple heart-attacks, Lydia!" Derek snapped back quietly, careful to keep his voice even.

She looked up at him, clearly surprised. "Heart attacks?"

"Not your first either they said."

Instantly a light went off and her eyes widened a little more. Her mouth fell open on shock and if possible, she actually paled a little further. "Oh my God, that's what that was."

For a long moment silence fell over the room. Callie shook her head in disbelief as she stared at the shocked girl lying in the hospital bed. Meredith stared up at the ceiling, stunned beyond any expression. Slowly, Derek sat up, standing to face her. "What did you just say?" She opened her mouth to respond, but before a word could come out her brother cut her off. "No. No, you know what I heard you. I just cannot believe the absolute garbage that is coming out of your mouth right now!"

"Derek-" she started, but Derek raised a hand, cutting her off again.

"No!" he shouted. "No, Lydia! Do you hear yourself? How did you not know you'd had a heart attack before? What the hell are you taking that you don't know if you've had a heart attack?"

"God, Derek I don't know, okay?" She snapped, looking more caged by the second.

"How the hell did you not know? How did you not know something-"

"I knew okay?" she screamed at last. Meredith's head snapped towards her sister-in-law with wide eyes. Callie's mouth fell open in shock.

Her older brother stumbled a step backwards as if he'd been slapped. "What was that?"

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Look, I knew something was wrong, but some people have better things to do than go to the doctor every time they have pains or pass out or whatever else happens in normal life. I don't have a doctor at home waiting to patch me up."

"Lydia," Meredith joined in at last, quieter than her husband. "That's a weak excuse and you know it."

"I was scared, okay?" She looked back and forth between the three doctors watching her. "Look, um... I'm exhausted okay? I don't really want to talk about this. I kind of just wanna sleep."

Derek looked to his wife as if everything in him wanted to fight. Meredith sighed deeply, shaking her head. Derek turned his attention to Callie, who hesitantly followed Grey's example. Now it was the older brothers' turn to sigh. "Okay. Okay I know it's been a long day." He leaned over, kissing her gently on her forehead. "You take some time to rest and we can talk about this later."

She nodded, forcing a smile. "Thank you," she whispered, tears falling down her face. "Thank you."

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