Baby Mama

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Sam's POV

life has been so amazing and Luke is a good dad,  i mean every chance he gets he goes down to me belly and talk to the baby. i'm currently on the couch with him watching criminal minds , we have the whole house to ourselves because the boys are on dates with their girlfriends, Lucas and Mandy went to the Beach, Phill and Hellen  went to the amusement park , Kai and Erica went to a pub {no surprise there} and Jose and his girlfriend{ Monica} went to a dance. " hey babe i'm going to bathe" i said trying to get up, gezz my belly is big it's hard, Luke helped me up "want help sweetie" he asked loving " no thanks babe i'm using a bucket" yeah i sit on a bucket in the bathroom and when i'm done i use the wall the help me " i mean my belly is big but not that big, i'm only 2 months " i said slowly walking upstairs ans he sat back down. Don't get mad at him last time i snapped at him for helping me. Pregnancy has it's mood swings and i can't control them yet. so one minute i'm good then the next i snap, literally. 

Luke's POV

thank god i left her alone, i tried to help her last time and she told me to fuck off honestly it was scary, if she's like this now then what would she do when she's giving birth AND I'LL HAVE TO HEAR HER INSULTING WORDS i sat there with my hands in my hair. then i heard her scream i quickly ran to our room and saw her on the ground " it's a shame" i heard a voice behind me it was my father " what do you want" i said with a shaky voice " to kill your child " he said and my eyes widen " nn-no please don't " i begged and he laughed " your baby mama is on the ground "  he said about to walk  away when i took my gun out from behind the curtain and shot him in the head. i cried as i did. i killed my father to save my child. then i picked up Sam HOLY FUCK SHE'S HEAVIER THAN BEFORE " Allen" i called on the phone and told him to come to the house, before he reach i put some clothes on Sam. " boss" he came running through the door " get the SUV ready" i said and he nod and hurried " it's done " he said as he helped me carry Sam, we both Struggled but made it after we lay her gently on the car seat i hoped in the passenger seat " aren't going to be with her" he said looking at me " nah bro she bipolar , she cuss me last time i ain't going through that again, now drive" he nod and drive fast but carefully as we arrived. Allen went in and told the nurses to get a bed ready " what happened" the nurse asked me " she fainted and hit her head on bucket. she nod as she took her pulse. 

Sam's POV

URGHHH my head is pounding " Mama can you hear me" someone asked me and when my vision cleared up i saw a nurse " yeah what happened" i asked " you fainted and your brother brought you in, you have a hot brother" she said looking at , BROTHER MY ASS " umm that's my husband" i said shooting a death stare " i apologize " she said with a stupid look on her face. " why did you think he's my brother" i asked as she took notes from reading the monitor " you look alike" oh " how's my baby" i asked and she smiled " congrats your having a girl and she is healthy" i smiled and rubbed my belly " thank you, am i allowed to have visitors" i asked and she nods " can you call my husband please" i asked nicely " sure" then she left and then the door swung open with force " baby" he said running to me " you ok" he asked worriedly " yes hun, guess what we're having a girl" i said and he kissed me and smile " umm the nurse said you can go home " yes finally Luke took my hand " i can do it" i said and he backed off " told yuh" he said and as he turned to Allen " this is why i'm single" we all laughed

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