Ah Hell Nah

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It was 5 in the evening when i suddenly hear my parents scaring. i quickly ran down stairs to see men in suits pointing guns at them " WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY PARENTS!" i shouted causing a handsome man to walk up to me" Oh so this must be the girl I'm marrying" he said as he took my chin to look up at him. Did he say I'm marrying him " Excuse but I'm not marrying anyone" i say pulling my chin away from his hands " Mom, Dad what's going on" they looked at each other " Sam babe you will be getting married to Luke" who the hell is Luke. " Ah hell nah y'all didn't do that" i said when i was about to walked off the same man grabbed my hand. " Where do you think your going" he said furiously, i yanked my arm away from his grip" to my room" then he grabbed it again but this time we were walking to a white limo. " hey let me go, mom dad help me!" i shouted as i tried to get out of his grip again. " sorry sam but we can't doing anything we love you hunny" my mom said as she looked at me. i can't believe this my parents disowned me just like that. i stopped fighting and allowed him to take me to the car. as we got in the car started to move, i cried as i watched the house fade in the distance.

Luke's POV

I don't want to get married but i have to other wised he'll kill my mother. the car ride was silent so i looked over to her and saw that she was crying silently. she was pretty. she had long black hair with green highlights at the bottom, then she had amber eyes. wait why am I checking her out. A short while we pulled up at my house. we walked in and my dad was sitting there with a smile " welcome home Sam" when he said that she hide behind me. " son take her upstairs and tell her everything" i nod and walked off, she followed. " this is where you'll be staying" i said as she walked  in looking amazed. " come sit i have to tell you why you are here" she looked nervous. " your parents work with us and my dad made a deal with them saying if i marry you they will leave" she wasn't surprised i mean they did just hand her over without telling her.

Sam's POV

He started telling that me parents made a deal and that if i marry him they will leave, but leave what. " so what are you guys like some kind of company" i said making him chuckled " no, we are a mafia" i was shocked they want to marry me to a mafia " so, what's your name?" i asked i mean if we're getting married i might as well get to know him" Luke Gonzales" he said. we spent hours talking and getting to know each other. He likes football, drawing , his favorite colour is red, he also likes swimming. He seemed like a nice person even though he was a mafia. " how old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" i asked "19" he said so he's 2 years older than me.

Luke's POV 

This is the longest conversation i even had with a girl, i also like the idea of getting to know each other, she like swimming just like me, she likes tennis, her favorite colour is black and she likes to sing. she was amazing and i was lucky to be her soon to be husband. then she suddenly ask how old i am " 19" i said " how about you?" i asked " 17" she was 2 years younger than me. 

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