Quentin looked upset by the question and looked away.

Stampy's ears laid back. "Y-Yeah... That's what I figured..." He sighed. "Um... Oh! Jason's here too, but he got taken away from me..."

This made Quentin look a bit more upset, and he looked around as if wondering where the other had gone.

"It was a while ago... So he's not here... I've been looking and this place is just like a maze..." Stampy explained with a sigh. "But hey... We did escape! But... We ended up here again..."

Quentin looked a bit confused at first, but then his eyes lit up.

"It was so nice to be home again... but now we got brought back and I just... Why? Why can't we just stay home? Why do they want us?" He vented a little before stopping, realizing. "Oh, right... Sorry... I know you didn't get to come with us...."

Quentin's eyes widened. He looked confused again, as if he wasn't sure about what Stampy was talking about.

Stampy looked at him. "Do... Do you not remember that?" He asked, confused.

He slowly blinked and raised one of his eyebrows, the first time he had done so.

Stampy looked a bit surprised by the movement but sighed softly. "You didn't make it... Kala... he..." He glanced away.

The spark disappeared from Quentin's eyes and he quickly looked away. He closed his eyes and appeared as if he were in pain, vaguely remembering some sort of even along the line's of Stampy's description

Stampy frowned. "I... Sorry for reminding you..."

Quentin looked back at Stampy and gave him a small look of understanding.

Stampy sighed again. "I mean, I'm happy we have a chance to save you but I wish we didn't have to go through all of this..."

Quentin blinked in agreement, the corners of his mouth seemed to twitch a bit in the process.

"Hey! You're starting to move more! That's great!"

Quentin's eyes lit up a bit, the slightest hint of a smile appearing on his face.

"Maybe you'll turn back soon!"

Quentin's mouth opened into a large grin, surprising the mudkip and causing his face to immediately shift back to one of confusion.

Stampy gave a small laugh of that. "See!"

Quentin smiled again and mouthed something to Stampy, but no sound came out.

"Um... that's... not good..."

Quentin frowned before mouthing to Stampy. "Can you read my lips?"

"Uh... sort of. I'm not trained to but I can kind of figure it out."

Quentin looked pleased at this. "I guess it's worth a shot?"

"Fair enough." He agreed.

"So... Where are we?"

"Um... a random room in Penelope's palace. I'm not sure it has a name..." he replied.

"Penelope...?" The name sounded familiar to Quentin, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"Uh, tall pink demon person."

Quentin still looked confused at this. "What now?"

"Uh... Like Kala but taller and pink."

Kala's name sounded even more familiar to Quentin and the mudkip felt some bit of rage build up in him, but he couldn't help himself at silently chuckling at Stampy's description.

"Yeah... She's the one who dragged Jason away."

"We have to find him then!" Quentin replied.

"I've been trying. It's not going well..."


"But maybe having someone else with me will help!"

Quentin gave a small smile at this. "Should we get going then?"

"Um... Can you walk or do I need to carry you some more?"

Quentin tried to move his body but to no avail. "Carry... sorry..."

"It's fine." He replied before standing up and moving over to him. "I'll carry you on my back, will that work?"

"Yeah, I hope I won't be too heavy though..."

"You weren't earlier." He replied as he picked him up piggyback style. "How's that?"

Quentin's arms and legs hung loosely as his head rested on one of Stampy's shoulders. "That's good." He mouthed, his head slightly nodding.

Stampy nodded. "Alright." He carefully peeked out of the door and didn't see anyone so he quickly went out and started looking.

Quentin firmly sat on Stampy's back. He felt bad that he wasn't able to really do anything, but there was nothing he could do about that.

Stampy peeked in and out of rooms and listened for any sign of Jason as they moved forward.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora