It's Me

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You're My Pretty Stranger

by : Luvi Albert Fitria


Hi, what am i doing here? Am I good at writing? That is a shit question. I am Lula Camila, and it is my fake name, because my life is filled with lies, my life is also full of fakes. I was born on June 4, 2002, when I wrote this story, I am currently 17 years old . Born and raise , in some of Indonesian island. What do you want to read here? many people around me are very arrogant and like to knock other people down, even when they see someone speaking a different language, it will be their food to be raised to other people.

it's not very important, because what I'm going to explain here is about me and about "YOU". Not you guys, but people who have been influential in my life.

I like to sing, dance wherever I am, singing makes me feel satisfied, I like songs that are a little noisy, because when I sing it, I can scream in tone. I'm good at math and English, I mean compared to other sucks lessons. I have a younger brother, and I always forget when he was born and of course now i forget how old he is. Should I ask my mother about his age? Ah, that would waste my time, and also i'm not special, i'm normal, i will explain how i look.

I have long hair,weird skin color, black hair, I really want to dye my hair into blonde hair, but my father will not like it, "I'm going to make your hair bald," that's what he said to me. My height is typical height of Asian women and also my weight is normal I think. Do you want to know? haha I'll tell you about me, because basically humans are created to always ask questions, or just call them "nosy". My body height is 161 cm, and my body weight is 45kg, I don't know that it's healthy or not, I also do workouts at home, I download many applications about workout, ranging from, shrinking the waist workout, raising height workout , and also raising my butt workout, LMAO. I'm a typical cheerful woman, too cheerful until I look idiotic, aggressive, like a wolf, I can look like a bitch when I want, and also some people call me a bad girl at my age, I swear I'll be a good woman someday. love problems? I always fail and always be left behind, YES THIS IS ME.

I really like being watched a lot of people from childhood, even I have hundreds or even thausands of fans in my social media, but I never had friends. also i sounds apologetic, i never mad at someone, like i'm embarrased to be a good girl. when u googling me ,and there i was. Every account set to public, i want to be seen, heard, known.

I like challenges, even I dare to take risks, and everything I do I will regret later on, very poor. My purpose in writing this is nothing. My life is a mess.

YOU ARE MY PRETTY STRANGERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang