5. His 2nd Chance?

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Lefty's POV

"Say, Rowan...what is this place like? Before the storm?" I asked him. He look at me before going back fertilize the plants.

"This place was magical. Everyone was happy, Peaceful and Prosperous with life, until the storm..." he described but when mentioning the storm his smile dropped into a sad frown.

"Oh...I'm sorry"

"Ah! don't be! At least were trying to bring it back" he smiled.

"Heh. Your right! I'll would Kale for a nice view in the fields in This place" I chuckled. He look at me in shocked.

"Wait- did you just said a pun?" He look at me suspiciously.

"What? Me? I would Nut!" Trying to hold my laughter. His face flare up red.

"Quit making crops Jokes, Lefty!" He scolded me but I didn't stop.

"Why? Is it Corny?" I raised my eyebrows up and down (fan-fiction logic xD)

"AUGH! I'M DONE!" He groan out before disappearing.

"Aww. I still have more puns to say~" I laughed.

I finished up all the work that Bryan assigned me. as i said that, Bryan finally came back from the mini forest.

But something behind him. It looked yellow-ish green?

"Hey, Lefty! I need to talk to you about something, and whatever you do. Please don't kill him" he pleaded. I raised my brow.

Why did he say "Don't kill him?". Who is him?

"Ok? And what are you carrying?" He just told me to get inside.

I just obeyed and went inside with Bryan. Seeing him put something- someone on his bed.

Walking toward it. My eyes widen as i feel my raged fills me up.

"WHY IS HE HERE?!" I pointed at afton.

"I- I-... I found him in a cave...there was our old pizzaria that somehow transported to this world by the portal malfunction last time..." he look down to his feet. I sighed.

"What are you going to do with him then?" I glared at afton. Sleeping peacefully in the bed, he didn't deserve that peace.

"Well...i can't leave him there...and maybe...he might know how to het back?" He said questionably? Like he was asking himself that.

"Fine...if he lays a scratch on you. I'll kill him!" I smash my fist to my hand.

Springtrap's POV [William Afton]

"Fine...if he lays a scratch on you. I'll kill him!" A very familiar voice said.

Who said that? Why does it sound so familiar? Augh...my head hurts.

I opened my eyes to see. a child wearing a yellow onesies? He look confused.

Looking at his direction. I saw a tall black bear, he looks like a robot? Besides him was a young man.

I stood up from the bed. I hesitantly spoke that broke the short period of silence.

"Hi?...." the black bear and the man look at me. The bear seems agitated. Did i do something?

"Uhm...hi, Afton...how are you feeling?" The man said. He seemed familiar but I can't grasped who.

"Uhh. Good....who are you? you look so familiar" the man looked shocked. While the bear was has his eyes wide.

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