3. A Déjà vu Feeling

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Bryan's POV

We made our way toward the lighthouse. boy i was in for a surprise. HELL IT LOOK LIKE A FREAKING ANCIENT TOWER THAN A LIGHTHOUSE?!

"hee-hee! isn't it amazing? this lighthouse has been around for a very long time. it has some history" she spoke.

No kidding.

"there's even a legend that says a guardian. lives up there, and the shines light upon the entire island to make it prosper"

"So in all your life the lighthouse was here for many years?" i questioned.

"Yes, that's right. My family have been keepers of this lighthouse for many generations. I'm actually the 20th!" she answered.

"But you see...several years ago, there was a huge storm. and ever since then, the lighthouse stopped working. No matter how hard we tried to fix it, it just woudn't light up anymore, until one day it stopped working altogether" she said sadly.

"it was around then that the island began to change..."

"what if the lighthouse work again? what would happen?"

"it would make me happy to see it's light shine upon Beacon town once again, but we can't do anything about it" she trailed off. i nodded.

We both approached the lighthouse. i've noticed on the ground, it look exactly like the tablet i was holding.

"is this-"

"that's the panel i was talking about. Maybe you can try placing the tablet into it to see if it fit's" she suggested.

i placed the tablet down into the panel. it began to glow, we both look up seeing the lighthouse shined for a minute until it's gone, but the lights in the 1st floor of the lighthouse opened up.

"what's going on?! how did the lights turn on in the lighthouse?! Do you think it was the stone tablet?"she questioned herself. she was getting closer to the lighthouse.

in the corner of my eye, i saw the same kid or what he called himself "Harvest Sprites" pop up besides me.

"it's a miracle! i never thought the lighthouse would ever work again!" she cheered.

"WhooHoo! the land has been revived! You don't know how happy i am! thank you so much, Bryan!" the sprite happily said to me.

"uhm....hey, so um.... i've noticed you keep talking to yourself. is there something wrong?"she said in concerned.

Why does this feel like i was back at the amusement park again, when molten's soul was haunting me....

"Oh, She can't see me! You and Lefty seems to be the only one who can see me here, Bryan! So you might want to whisper when you're talking to me" the sprite explains.

"Gee- THANKS FOR THE ADVICE-" i harshly whispered back at him. i saw him flincehd then chuckled nervously. like i supposed to know, if i did i would have done that long ago.

"Anyway, that was a really bright light, wasn't it? it's was all thanks to that stone tablet you found! there are 4 more panels like this. do you think something will happen if we can find the others?" she questioned again.

"maybe the lighthouse can be fix again!"

"bryan! you need to go find the remaining stone tablets! if you do that, i think the harvest goddess will be revived!" he said. before he rambles something to himself.

Harvest Goddess? huh...so this dimension has gods, magic and mythical creatures like sprites. maybe i'll refer this dimension, "The Harvest Moon Dimension".

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