Chapter 3

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Felix walked down the streets in the direction the google maps was pinpointing. He and Hyunjin finally got around to meet up for the history project and the shorter one was kind of nervous. Firstly because he didn't really know the other male and secondly because he was pretty popular and attractive and Felix was just... Felix. He liked the way he was himself - quirky, overreacting and energetic but he knew that could be annoying for some people and he really hoped Hyunjin wouldn't hate him from the start. On the second thought he could just send his friend to teach the pretty boy a lesson he guessed.

The cougar hybrid finally entered the right block of flats and climbed the third floor, looking around the very clean staircase. He got to a dark, wooden door with a golden name on them - 'Hwang'. He took a deep breath and knocked firmly.

Few seconds passed and the door flew open revealing a quite young, pregnant woman with a big, mint sweater on. She smiled bright upon seeing the boy.

"Welcome, are you here to see Hyunjin by any chance?" she spoke with a sweet voice, making Felix less uncomfortable.

"Yes. Good evening" he bowed politely and walked inside the house. When walking inside three colours met the eye - pastel yellow, soft white and warm brown. Felix looked around in awe while taking off his shoes. The house was gigantic with two stories. As far as he could see he spotted a modern kitchen and a large living room that had a beige sofa standing in the middle. To the second floor led wooden stairs with fancy, black railing that had plants hanging by it in some places.

"Hyunjinnie! Your guest is here!" the woman yelled and carefully walked into a big living room. Suddenly some shuffling could be heard upstairs and Felix saw his classmate quickly jumping down.

"Hi!" he said happily and stopped in front of the shorter boy, unsure of how to physically welcome the other.

"Hey" Felix smiled, lowering his ears a bit and also just standing there uncomfortably.

"I didn't know you came here to start a staring contest" the pretty old woman walked past them and smirked.

"Really funny" Hyunjin rolled his eyes and grabbed his guest by his shoulder, dragging him up the stairs. The second floor consisted of only Hyunjin's room and a small bathroom. The small hall separating these two areas had a tall bookshelf standing by the wall. It didn't have that many books on it - rather small plants and jars of different liquids or accessories.

The two boys walked inside a large room and Felix looked around while Hyunjin locked the door. The room has basically two areas - one with a bed, gaming station by the long desk with a computer on and some shelves alongside the wardrobe built into the wall - the second one that had some exercising equipment in the corner and other than that was just empty, though a small console and set of speakers caught Felix's attention. One of the walls in the second part of the room was made of glass windows, partly covered by long curtains, partly showing the dawn city view.

"Pretty cool ey?" Hyunjin chuckled and patted his bed, showing Felix to put his things down. The other did as adviced and while taking out some papers out of his bag, looked around again.

"Are you kidding me? This is the most fancy room I've been in. I suddenly feel like i'm living in a cave" the shorter chuckled and sat on the bed, bouncing a little.

"Hey don't say that" Hyunjin smiled and walked to his desk, then taking a seat on the swivel chair, forcing Felix to look around "But back to why we're here. Have you thought at all about what our project's main theme will be?" he asked calmly.

Even though he wasn't the friendliest type he really didn't want to immediately come off like an egoistic ass so he decided that he'll at least try and be nice to maintain a friendly vibe. At least for the time that they'd have to work together.

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