Chapter 25

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Hyunjin walked to the window and sighed. It was a sunny April morning. Rays of happy, yellow sunshine were bouncing and reflecting off of some frost left on the grass from the chilly night. The thick fog was finally giving its way to the lively, spring view of nature coming back from the winter hibernation. 

The boy smiled. He grabbed his bag, checking one last time if he'd got everything he deemed needed, and walked outside. 

Hyunjin liked mornings. The cool, refreshing breeze was always like a shot of serotonin to him and a few quick deep breaths would always quickly set him on his feet. 

He put his bag on the cement stairs in front of the main door and began his stretching routine. Apart from making sure that his muscles were ready for a bit of exercise he would also often spend some time on yoga to prepare for the upcoming day. He couldn't even really pinpoint when the routine started but he wasn't going to complain - it was quite a pleasant morning skit to go through each day. Especially since it worked so well for his mind.

He eyed the sky. Bright with light blue spilled all over it seemed to be inviting the boy to say hello to it. He smiled again.

Moving to grab his back, he stopped in the middle of the porch. He stretched each of his wings - last check up before the take off - and upon feeling nothing but excitement coursing through his veins, he took a deep breath and jumped up as high as he could. Wings immediately picked up on the motion and with three of their powerful swings Hyunjin was already high above the cottage. He eyed it from above, pupils glistening with joy. 

Knowing that there was nothing left to do he shot in the direction of the city. 

Oh, how much he loved flying. Truly, he's never felt so free and in control of his life like he did each time he was in the air. Every minute, second mattered and meant everything to him. The wind passing through his hair and daring to tie around his neck in a playful manner, the sun casting his shadow far, far down on the ground which was passing beneath him. The neverending view stretched so wide around him. It all piled up into the bundle of joy that'd always sit in his mind beside his thoughts when he flew.

He's gotten quite good at it. Since he was regularly flying to school he would become bold from time to time, making quick turns or big loops. He struggled at the beginning, and still did while doing some of the tricks, but grew much more confident in the air with every passing day. He was also motivated by all of the praises he'd get from his friends every time they'd see him messing around while flying, especially if it was done with one of them in his hands (Felix and Jeongin being two most common visitors in the sky with him).

He was getting closer to the school building. He recognized the town square, littered with people in the morning hours, and continued west until he reached a park by a bakery he'd often visit. From there it took him just a quick moment before he landed in front of the gate which was flooded with students. He was advised to land in front of the school campus - apparently the teachers would be in a lot of trouble if he hurt anybody which kind of annoyed him at first but then he just let go and entered the school alongside everybody else but looking hilariously out of place in the ocean of similar looking heads with his purely white wings sticking out next to him.

"Jnnie!" he turned quickly to see Jisung waving excitedly his way with Minho by his side.

Hyunjin smiled brightly and caught up with his friends "Hello! How's the morning going?"


"Awful" Han shot an annoyed stare towards his boyfriend who only shrugged "I had to wake up. That's enough of a reason to feel terrible"

"How I love your optimistic view" the shorter spoke, tone oozing sarcasm.

"Is Changbin here?" Hyunjin asked, somehow hopeful but was quickly brought back to earth with Minho's eyebrows high on his forehead and Jisung shaking his head.

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