Make it right

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Jungkook POV

I was woken up by the loud sound of my alarm clock, the sun already brightly shining. I sat up on the edge of my bed, thinking about everything that happened yesterday. Y/n lost her best friend because of me. And I could tell that it hurt her by the way she looked down when she said his name. The way her eyes lost that sparkle whenever someone mentioned him. As I got ready for school, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I was the reason why their friendship ended. If I would've never come back, Y/n would still have her best friend. Everything would've been so much easier for her. However, it happened and the only thing I could do was fix what I had broken.

So after picking Y/n up, we entered the school's lawn, and I spotted Jin walking right in front of us.
'You go ahead Y/n, I'll be right behind you.'
She gave me a peck on the lips, her cheeks so cute when she smiled. When I was sure that she was gone, I ran towards Jin, calling his name.
'Jin! Wait!'
Jin actually stopped and looked back, but he immediately rolled his eyes when he saw me. He wanted to continue walking when I stopped him in his tracks. His head shot back, his eyes filled with hatred, an annoyed look on his face.

'What do you want from me Jungkook?'
'I want to talk.'
'About what?'
'About everything, please just hear me out. I know you hate me, and I don't blame you, but just let me explain okay?'

Jin sighed as he looked away from me, sucking in his bottom lip.

'You're right, I hate you, so no.'

It was clear that I wasn't going to be able to fix this the right way, but I had to get everything off my chest.

'Y/n misses you.'
He paused for a second, yet he kept walking.
'I know I came in between your friendship Jin, and I'm terribly sorry. I know that if I would've never been here, you would still have Y/n. However, there is nothing we can do about it now. And Jin it is unfair to hate Y/n and cast her out just because you resent me. I don't care if you hate me, but I do care about Y/n. She is broken because she lost her best friend. She loves you Jin and you can't hurt her like this just because you have something against me.'
'Don't tell me what to do Jungkook.'
'But Jin don't you think it is unfair to hurt the person you've loved for so long because you hate me? Please think about it Jin, I just don't want your life long friendship to go to waste due to my relationship with Y/n.'

And with that said, Jin walked away from me and disappeared into the school building.


You sat in class, Jungkook still didn't walk in. Where could he have gone? He said that he would be right behind you, yet it took him 10 minutes to get to class. Just when you wanted to text him, you saw his figure making his way to his usual spot. He gave you a small smile when he saw you, your lips automatically curling into a smile as well.

Classes passed, another boring day full of teachers cramming your head full of information. It was finally weekend though, so you had some time to relax. When you wanted to walk out of the classroom, you got a notification from someone you thought you would never talk to again.

Jin: Can we meet up, right now? I am waiting for you at the entrance.

You wondered what it was about since Jin has been cold to you ever since the day he confessed to you. However, you couldn't help but feel a bit excited knowing you could talk to Jin again.

You made your way to the school gates, seeing Jin's tall body leaning against the iron material. It felt like it had been years ago when you last talked to him, feeling shy with him all over again.

'Hi.', you said as you looked down at your feet, playing with the small pebbles on the ground a bit.


He looked up at you, his gaze soft and warm instead of empty and cold. You missed him looking at you like that.
'Shall we sit over there?'
He pointed towards a bench near the park across the college.
You nodded, following him to the nearest place to sit.

He sat down, and you sat next to him, still looking down at your fingers. You felt shy, and a bit anxious being around him, remembering his cold looks and words.

'So Y/n, I want to talk about everything that has been going on for the past few days.'
'Oh yeah, right.'

You were nervous, scared of what he was going to say. Would it be something negative?

'I'm sorry, for everything. For leaving you without a good reason, casting out the person who has been by my side for as long as I can remember. I apologize for hurting you the way I did, it was not my intention. I was angry, and I expressed that anger in acting cold towards you. And that was not right, so I'm really sorry.'

His sudden apology made you a bit startled. Yesterday he was still treating you like you were a ghost, like you didn't exist, and now he was apologizing. Even though you wondered where the sudden kindness came from, you were happy that it happened.

'It's okay Jin, I-'
'No Y/n it's not okay. I left you because I held a grudge against Jungkook and that was unfair. I should've seen how much you cared about me. I should've known I would hurt you with my actions.'
'You're right, you hurt me. And it was unfair to let me choose between you and Jungkook, but it's all good now. I missed you and I can't be mad at you. I am just glad you apologized.'
'Y/n you truly are an amazing person. How can you not be mad at me after everything I put you through?'
'Jin, you have been my best friend for years. I can't hold a grudge against you, because I care too much about you for that. And I know you, I know you're not a bad person and I know you would never intentionally hurt someone.'
'Thank you for forgiving me Y/n. Are we good right now?'
'Who said I forgave you?'

His head lowered, his eyes becoming glossy.

'Just kidding, of course I forgive you.'
'Why do you always have to give me heart attacks?'

He laughed, the sound of his laughter sounding like music to your ears. He pulled you into a big hug, putting his head on your shoulder.

'I missed you Y/n.'
'I missed you too.'

You were so glad you got him back, your life feeling complete. It felt like you were able to handle everything now that you had everything you needed. For the first time, you felt happy, your heart beating in your chest full of joy.

Your circle was finally complete and you weren't planning on letting anyone break it once again.

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