A new start

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6:30 AM. Such an early morning. You sighed heavily as you got out of bed. Today was going to be your first day of college. A new school, a new start, shouldn't you be excited? Nerves were running through your body as multiple thoughts filled your mind. "What if I don't fit the standards of those people?" "What if they think I'm a freak?" What if people will stare at me?" You were quickly woken up from your thoughts as you heard the loud ringtone coming from your phone. It was your best friend Seokjin. You got into the same school together, which made you a bit less scared.
"Hey loser, ready for your first day of college?", he yelled through the phone, his energetic voice making you feel awake instantly.
"I was born ready."
"Make sure you're finished when I pick you up, because I will just drive away without you."
You rolled your eyes slightly smiling and replied: "I am always on time and you know that. You're always the one late."
"Whatever, just be on time."
"Yeah yeah, I will."
"Okay, see ya soon."

You hung up the phone looking at the time. 7:00 AM, you had to hurry a bit since Seokjin was already picking you up in 1,5 hours. You took a quick shower, enjoying the warm water on your skin. You got out and dried yourself, wrapping the towel around your body. You grabbed the school uniform out of your closet and looked at it with disgust. You've always hated school uniforms. They were always so uncomfortable and you weren't really the skirt type of person.
"I don't really have another choice."
You got dressed and styled your hair, so that your beautiful dark brown strands fell over your shoulders nicely.
You walked downstairs and made yourself some pancakes. A new start deserves a good breakfast. Right when you finished your pancakes, you heard a loud car horn.
"That must be Seokjin."
You rushed outside and waved at your best friend. He was sitting in his shining black Mercedes happily waving back at you. You got in the car and Seokjin smiled at you asking:
"Are you excited, chipmunk?"
"Well, I guess I am. A new start is always nice."
"Alright let's go then!"

You started to become more nervous the closer you got to the big building. As Seokjin drove into the parking lot, the amount of people surprised you.
"Wow there truly are a lot of people.", Seokjin said. But unlike you, he actually seemed to like the fact that there were a lot of people. You gave him a quick smile and got out.
"Hey Chipmunk."
"Seokjin, I swear-"
"Where do you need to go?"
"None of your business Seokjin." You smiled and started walking towards the big building. Before you knew it Seokjin was already walking  next to you again.
"Kim Seokjin you better not embarrass me already on our first day."
"Me? Embarrassing you? It would be the other way around." He booped your nose and started to walk faster.
Both of you now walked into the university preparing for your classes. You decided to meet in the big hall right before class started. So as you had prepared everything, you walked to the spot where you were going to meet Seokjin again. You already saw him sitting on a table, but he didn't see you so you decided to scare him. So you sneaked up on him and quickly grabbed his shoulders very tightly which made him jump up a little, and his hands going towards his chest.
You laughed loudly, until his expression changed from playfully scared, to actually terrified. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. All people suddenly started to whisper and all looked at something. Or actually, at someone.
"Y/n, don't turn around."
"Why not? Seokjin what is it?"
Seokjin tried to grab you, but your curiosity got the best of you and you turned around. It was like time froze and you felt your heart drop, all memories suddenly coming rushing back into your mind. You saw a tall muscular figure. But he was not just a figure, he was the person you wished you would never see again. Your ex, Jeon Jungkook.

"Y/N, let's go."
You felt jin grab your arm and dragging you away from the big hall, to the hallway.
"Y/N, are you okay. You look like you've seen a ghost."
And for you, it actually felt like you had seen one. You were finally getting up on your own feet again, you were finally becoming happy again. And then, just when you thought everything was going great, a wrecking ball came to destroy everything you built.
You were brought back to reality by Jin's sweet and soft voice.
"Y-yeah I'm f-fine. I just need some fresh air."
Jin nodded and you made your way towards the door.

When you were outside you checked the time on your phone. 5 minutes left until class. You decided to sit down on the stairs in front of the school. You closed your eyes, breathing in the fresh spring air, trying to calm yourself down. Breathing in and out a couple of times made you feel much better since you loved to be outside. The sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, the bright sunlight hitting the earth and the smell of newly growing flowers everywhere. Being outside was an escape from reality for you. Then you heard the loud ringing of the bell, meaning that you had to go to your first class.

You stood up and walked back inside, going to the classroom. You searched for a spot, sitting more in the back, as you felt less visible there. People came walking in, all faces unfamiliar. Unfortunately you didn't have the same classes as Jin, which left you alone in a big sea of strangers. As you were getting your stuff out of your bag, someone sat next to you. It was a girl, who had a big smile plastered on her face. She had short black hair and bangs. Round cheeks and big round dough eyes that gave her a very kind appearance. You now sat up and looked at her. "Hi, I'm Jeon Se-ri." Her voice sounded pretty enthusiastic. "Hi, I am yoon Y/N.", You said as you smiled back at her. You turned your eyes back to the front of the classroom, seeing an unwanted face walking in. Why did Jeon Jungkook have to take the exact same class as you.

You looked down trying to hide your face behind your hair so that he wouldn't recognise you. Even though you knew you wouldn't be able to avoid him forever, you weren't ready to have an encounter with him, even when it was only a small moment of eye contact. Jungkook came closer and closer and very sadly took the seat in front of you and Se-ri.

To your surprise, Se-ri rolled her eyes. "I don't understand why my brother had to take the seat in front of me.", she whispered into your ear grunting. Her brother? How come you never knew Jungkook had a sister? Then she turned back at you and said: "I also don't get how people are so whipped for that brat." She crossed her arms looking at the figure in front of her with an annoyed face. "Yeah, I don't really get the hype about him either.", you whispered back into her ear, her plump lips forming into a smile. Her not knowing, you too, were once whipped for him.

But that seemed to be one sided.

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