"No, I'll catch up with you later. I'm gonna head into the hospital fro a bit." Marcel wasn't too far behind Edward with the whole workaholic thing. I honestly never cared much but if their 'all work and no play' habits begin to interfere with our omega, I will and it won't be pretty.

On my jog I was spotted by paparazzi, per usual. They had been all over me lately ever since the upcoming addition to The Avengers movie series had been announced. They had been tipped off by the production crew that I was in this movie but they had no clue who I'd be portraying so the paps have been following me around trying to get an idea. I was going to be playing a character named Havock and he would be a main character in the new movie.

By the time I'd finished my jog and decided it was time to head to the smoothie shop, it was 12:30PM. "A large pineapple mango protein smoothie please." I told the cashier my order. "Will that be for here or to go?" The seemingly uninterested cashier asked in return. "For here."

After the guy told me my smoothie would be brought out to my table, I sat at the most secluded table I could find and began to scroll through my phone.

As I was looking through my notifications, I was greeted by a familiar face. "Hey Harry!" Thaleia smiled.

"Hi Thaleia. How are you?" I asked to be polite, and motioned her to sit at my table. Thaleia was one of Louis' friends and considering that he only had two, not including his sister, I think its pretty imperative that she likes me and my brothers.

"I'm tired as hell. Med school is one hell of an ass whoopin'." She sighed.

"I'm sure Marcel could give you some pointers. I think Lou mentioned that your final exam was coming up pretty soon and Marcel practically aced his so I know he could help you." I offered. Louis told me that Thaleia was brilliant and she'd graduated early to embark on her journey to be a young doctor and now here she was at age 19, about to graduate medical school. I'm positive her and Marcel will get along well considering he took the same path of child genius.

"That would be awesome! He's totally a legend in the medical world." She geeked. It was amusing.

"So...how's Louis?" I slid in as casually as possible.

"Still giving you guys a hard time?" She gave a knowing look.

"He's kind of warmed up to us. Very slowly, to say the least."

"Oh I know it. Me and Niall met Louis when we were in middle school and let's just say he's never been easy. His little punk ass ignored us for two months solid before he actually engaged in conversation with us and even then he gave us yes and no answers. He's a piece of work that one. But once he lets you know him, you'll never meet anyone who's remotely as caring or loyal. I know he acts like a hard ass but the truth is he wants desperately to be loved." She admitted.

"My brothers and I want nothing more than to be there for him. Its obvious he hasn't had the best upbringing and he carries his scars daily. We just want to make him happy." I told her honestly.

"To say he hasn't had it easy is an understatement. If I'd been through the things Louis has, I wouldn't be sitting here where I am today. He's unbelievably strong." She looked like she wanted to say more, but out of respect for her best friend's business she didn't. But no matter, Louis will fully open up eventually and I'm willing to wait however long it takes. "I don't want to disclose his business or anything but one thing I will say is, don't let him fool you alright? He thinks he has to play tough guy all the time but he honestly just needs to be cared for. I mean if I didn't keep the apartment at 78 degrees lord knows what would happen to him because he won't check the thermostat for himself." She rolled her eyes.

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