Chapter 1. The key to a plan

Start from the beginning

You helped Bofur to get a fire going when suddenly Gandalf coughed right next to you. A squeak escaped your mouth and you jumped a little to your right. How was it possible that you didn't hear him approaching you? Bofur looked back and laughed when he noticed why you had made that sound. He shook his head and continued his work with the fire. You placed a hand on your chest and frowned at Gandalf. 'Why did you have to scare me like that?'

A small smile appeared on his face. 'Oh, I didn't mean to scare you. I merrily wanted to ask you if I could have a word with you?' he asked. You cocked your head to the side, why would he want to talk to you? 'Of course. You can ask me anything' you replied, waiting for him to continue. But Gandalf shook his head and nodded towards the woods nearby. 'In private.' 'Oooh. Yes, of course, why not?' And with that you and Gandalf made your way towards the woods.

You were to busy with talking to Gandalf to notice a pair of blue eyes following you into the woods. Soon you reached a clearing in the woods and Gandalf sat down on a fallen tree. 'I can imagine you would like to know what I want to talk to you about?' Gandalf asked. You nodded, you had no clue what he wanted to talk about. But you knew you had some questions for him. His usually friendly face was now grim.

'I have been in your world a few times now, and I heard that there is a book about this quest. Is that right?' He looked at you from under his eyebrows, his eyes showing determination. You still weren't sure in which direction this conversation would go, but as you knew, Gandalf would tell you less then was going on in his mind. 'Yes, there is a book about this quest in our world. What would you like to know about it?' 

Gandalf smiled at you but there was still that look in his eyes. 'I've heard some rumours about a certain dwarf dying during this quest, and I don't think it would be the right way to end this.' Gandalf looked up to the sky where stars were already shining bright, creating a wonderful sight. 'No... I don't think I can let that happen' he muttered. 'Excuse me?' you asked. Gandalf lowered his gaze to you and it felt like he could see straight through you.

'I've also heard some rumours about a certain dwarf that captured your heart?' You felt the heat raising to your face and your cheeks were burning. Gandalf chuckled at the sight. 'That's good to know.' For a few minutes there was silence. You found that your shoes were pretty interesting and Gandalf was busy studying your face. You looked back up when Gandalf got up from the tree. 'How many of this company will die?'

His face was back to a serious frown. 'Three.' He nodded and and took a few steps towards the camp. Then he stopped and turned to look at you. 'Would you be willing to do anything in your power to keep them alive?' he asked. You straightened your back and gave him your most determined face you were able to master. 'I would do anything in my power to keep them alive.' Gandalf smiled and headed back to camp. You followed.


A few feet away from camp Thorin was pacing around. This didn't escape the attention of two brothers. Kili smiled at Fili, who returned the same smile. 'What are you two up to?' Bofur asked suspiciously. Two heads looked up at him with innocent smiles. 'Nothing.' The two brothers got up and made their way to their uncle. Bofur sighed, the King was mad or worried about something and surely the prince's would only make matters worse. 

'Hello uncle!' two voices interrupted his brooding. He looked up to find his two nephews standing near him. They had that smile on their faces which often proved to be nothing but trouble. 'What?' he barked at them. Kili flinched a little but quickly restored and Fili wasn't impressed at all. 'We were wondering why you were pacing around...' '...because normally you sit down to brood' they stated. Thorin scowled at them. 'How many times do I have to tell you I don't brood?'

Fili thought about this for a moment, but his brother was quicker. 'I think this may be the sixtieth time!' Kili remarked proudly. Thorin rolled his eyes. 'You may go back to the fire if that's the only thing...' 'No, it's actually not the only thing. We have another question' Fili added quickly. Thorin gave them thé look but it had lost it's power some time ago. It still worked on the hobbit though, he would make sure he would release his irritations on him when this conversation was done.

'Where did Gandalf and (y/n) go to?' Kili asked. Thorin's face turned blank and he turned around, his face away from his nephews. He had been wondering about that too. After all he was the leader of this company, he had to know where his members wandered of to, but neither of them had showed him the respect to tell him. He didn't go after them because it was their own choice to risk to get hurt.  Are you sure the wizard can protect her?

The voice in the back of his head asked him. But he ignored the thought. Of course Gandalf could protect her. 'Uncle?' His nephews voice brought him back from his thoughts. 'What?' Fili raised his eyebrow. 'Do you know where Gandalf and (y/n) are?' Thorin straightened his back and tried to look majestically and indifferent, but his nephews saw right through it. 'I'm sure they are relieving themselves, it's wise not to go alone in these parts' Thorin answered.

But Kili shook his head. 'No, I don't think that's it because...' '...if that had been the case they would have returned a long time ago.' Thorin concentrated on the spot in the woods where you had disappeared in with Gandalf. Right at that moment he saw said wizard coming into view, and you were behind him. 'Oh, we're sorry we bothered you Thorin, it seems like they are already back' one of them said but Thorin didn't listen anymore.

He marched over to you and Gandalf with an angry frown on his face. 'Where did you two go?!' he bellowed from across the camp. You froze in place but next to you Gandalf seemed to enjoy himself. What is that wizard up to? you thought. But you had to wait to find an answer to that question. First you had to deal with an angry dwarf King. 'W-we were just talking...' you stuttered but Thorin's expression told you that that explanation wasn't going to cut it.

'You could have talked here in camp! There was no reason you two had to leave!' Thorin semi shouted at you, his full concentration focused on you. Gandalf stepped in front of you, between you and Thorin, and coughed. Thorin looked up, already more then annoyed with the wizard. 'I must say that this is all my fault. I asked (y/n) to come with me since we had to discuss something in private. I didn't see you around or else I would have told you where we went, but that only speaks for itself' the wizard chuckled.

Thorin send you one more look before turning around and marching off. 'Don't let it happen again!' he shouted back. You let out a relieved sigh and the tension escaped your body. 'That could have been worse' you sighed. From the corner of your eye you saw Fili and Kili sitting down beside Kim. A bowl with soup (or something that looked like soup) in their hands. Fili handed one to Kim and Kili signed for you to come, almost spilling the food in the second bowl.

You laughed and made your way towards them. Gandalf smiled to see that you and Kim had made fast friends with the two Durin princes. A little cough got his attention. Bilbo was standing in front of him, his arms crossed and his eyebrows frowned. 'What are you up to?' the hobbit asked him. Gandalf chuckled. 'I don't know what you are talking about master Hobbit.' Gandalf walked to Bofur to get some food himself, and left Bilbo standing there, still suspicious of the wizard and his talk with you. 

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