Prologue. Your old and new life

Start from the beginning

She knew you loved him but sometimes you were getting so emotional, and she didn't quite understand. Kim had a boyfriend, a real boyfriend, and she felt sorry for you that you didn't. But you always pointed out that you indeed had a boyfriend, he was just 195 years old and not physically here. That's all. But suddenly something strange happened. 

Right at the point were Gandalf and Bilbo met outside of Bilbo's house, there was a strange sentence. 'Would you two like to share in an adventure?' You frowned and looked at Kim to see if she had heard the same thing. There was also a confused expression on her face. She turned her face at you and she looked at you with a questioning look. 'Did you just hear that?' you asked her. Kim nodded.

'Well, what's your answer? I promise the two of you that you will not return to your world as the same person you are now. Are you ready for an adventure?' You got excited and jumped up to the TV. 'Yes! Yes I am! I mean, we are! We are ready for an adventure!' Kim got up behind you and placed a hand on your shoulder. '(Y/n), I don't think this is such a good idea. There's something off about this...' But you were to excited to listen to her. When suddenly the screen turned green and the smell of leaves filled your nose.

A sudden shot of pain went through your back and had you gasping for air. It felt like you had landed on something hard. You tried to open your eyes and saw Kim laying next to you. Her eyes were wide-open and she too looked like she was in pain. 'Are you alright?' you asked. Kim slowly nodded and wrapped an arm around her stomach. 'Just a little pain and difficulty to breath. Nothing serious.' You chuckled but immediately regretted this.

The pain in your back faded and you looked up only to meet a sword pointed at your face. Immediately you stuck your hands in the air, not daring to look at the person who was behind it. 'Who are you?' a voice asked. 'I-I... I'm (y/n)... and this i-is Kim' you answered. Where had you gotten yourself into this time? You heard Kim getting up as well and you felt her hiding behind you. There came no reply from the person who hold the sword so you carefully moved your eyes to see who was behind it.

And you couldn't believe your eyes. It was Dwalin! Well, it couldn't be the real him, but still... 'Oh. My. God. You are Dwalin aren't you?' you said with enthusiasm. This was so cool! You couldn't believer your eyes! The warrior looked down at you in suspicion and his eyes narrowed. Kim pinched you from behind. 'Auw!' you hissed. 'Maybe it's not the best time to start fangirling!' she whisper-shouted at you.

'How do you know my name?' Dwalin asked in a not to kindly manner. 'From the book! And the movie of course. You know you look a lot smaller in real life?' You could imagine Kim rolling her eyes behind you and wondering why she had to be friends with someone like you. 'What are you talking about? What is a... woofie?' Dwalin now pressed his sword right under your skin. 'That's a...' 'STOP!' an angry voice shouted.

Dwalin didn't lower his sword but looked around, unimpressed. Gandalf came marching through the woods, hitting a branch out of his way with his wand. 'What are you doing master dwarf?! These young girls are my visitors and I will not let you hurt them, do you understand me?!' Dwalin looked at you and hesitantly lowered his sword. You felt so relieved to finally be able to breath again. 'Thank you' you smiled at Gandalf.

He nodded in your direction and helped Kim and yourself to your feet. 'What kind of friends are they? The clothes they were don't seem to come from this world...' Dwalin pointed out. You were having a hard time controlling yourself. Not only did you just meet Dwalin, but now Gandalf was here to! Kim put a hand on your shoulder to calm you down. And it worked. You stopped fangirling and collected yourself.

'I hope your travel here wasn't to unpleasant?' Gandalf asked. You shook your head but Kim nodded frantically. 'I don't know what kind of joke this is but if this is your idea of surprising fans of The Hobbit than I must point out that...' Kim started. Gandalf raised his eyebrow and chuckled in understanding. 'What's going on?' someone bellowed. And there he was. From the woods came your crush... Thorin Oakenshield.

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