Mischievous Kiss: Love In Seoul Part 3

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"Father, it's a good house," RJ said while crossing his arms. He gave him a weird look.  "Even though I wasn't a good man to my deceased wife and Y/n, I finally built this house, along with Y/n's help," Dad started to tear up. "Everyone is watching!" I patted dad's back. "It feels like something will happen when Y/n's get's married," Renee mumbled. "What?" I glanced at her, 

"It's all right," RJ said. "I will always be his son," RJ adds. Where is this coming from? I slowly looked away from RJ and back at Renee, "Father, please consider me your son from now on." RJ asked my dad. I let out a sigh, "Please call me RJ!" Dad looked up without looking at RJ. "Thank you, everyone. We were able to finish it quickly thanks to you guys." He said to RJ's group. "Let's go in and have a meal together." I cheered, "Right, Y/n's father's a chef, right?" Jungkook asked, 

 "I'm excited!" Renee clapped her hands. We began to walk towards the house. I stopped while looking around for the noise I'm hearing. "Wait, wait!" I said super-fast. "Huh?" I glanced around us, "Do you heard something weird?" I asked them, Jungkook looked around with Renee. "I don't," dad said. "You must be mistaken." Dad laughed, "I have a bad feeling." I said looking in the sky. "what do you mean?" RJ smiled. I stopped my eyes on the sky. I covered my eyes from the sun to get a better look at the shining object. "Huh? Shooting star?" Jungkook whispered and looking at it. Renee and the others looked up as well, "What? No way. It's the middle of the day." Renee said. It started brightening the sky up even more as it got closer to us. I covered my head and bend down. "Whoa!" the others screamed. 

It put a hole in our roof. Lucky it wasn't that big. I heard it crash into things in there. "Huh!" I gasped as the house totally rumbled to the ground. "But it just got hit by a small shooting star?" I mumbled in disbelieve... 

"NEWS 7. Today at noon, part of the large Meteor called Lyrids, fell and destroyed a house in Seoul." Dad was in front of a camera being filmed "My daughter asked me what that was... it fell over us and on the roof of our newly built house. It rattled, and then it collapsed..." Dad started to tear up. "Luckily everyone was outside. We built that house and now we have nowhere to go." Dad finished. "According to the infestation, the meteor was only 3 feet long. An expert says that the meteor was only of a small significance and that the jerry-building is the cause of such collapse. Onto the next NEWS." 

Since we didn't have anywhere to go, we went to dad's restaurant. Dad sat sadly at the table while I poured him some tea. "Cheer up, dad." "I worked hard these days." Dad mumbled, "we can do it again." "How am I supposed to run this restaurant? I spent a lot of my money on that house. I can't even rent a room." I went over and sat down on one of the tables. "I mean... a shooting star? Not even fire or an accident... How ridiculous." Dad spat angrily and took a drink of his tea to calm himself down. "How unlucky I am." "That's not true. You are full of luck." I said, "Well if the star fell after we went in, we might have all died." I stood up as I remember what happened not too long ago.

 "Even if we were to survive, if you got your arms hurt, you won't be able to cook anymore. Then, this restaurant would come to an end." I said and walked to him, "Right?" I smiled, placing down my cup, "And here we are, with no injuries. We should be thankful." I smiled. Dad let out a little laugh while looking away from me. "Why are you laughing?" I giggled 

"You are like your mother." I laughed while looking down. "Your mother was really easygoing too." "easygoing? Isn't there a better word for that?" I asked, "Anyhow, what would be the possibility of getting hit by a shooting star?" "Shooting star? It was a meteor." Dad corrected me. "Well, it's more romantic to think of it as a shooting star," I said with a serious expression. 

"It feels like something special will happen." I smiled, "My gosh. You are really after your mom." Dad chuckled. The phone rang once again. "Hello, this is, Hoseok." Hoseok is another worker here at dad's place. Sweet boy. "Yes. Excuse me? Okay. Could you hold on for a second?" Hoseok puts down the phone and walks over to us.  "Sir, there's someone wanting to talk to you." Hoseok smiled, 

"Okay," Dad said, getting out of the chair and over to the desk. "This is Y/f/n, I'm sorry for the... huh? Kim! How have you been? Everything's fine?" I glanced over at dad, "Oh, I should ask that myself." Dad chuckled. I wonder who he is talking to? I shrugged my shoulders and picked up the tea. He did say his last name was Kim...

 Just like that, the night went on and we slept at the restaurant for the first time ever. I walked to school and when people saw me, they started whispering to one another. "Isn't that Lee? Didn't her house collapse down?" "Have you heard the news? It was in the newspapers as well." "Gosh, it wasn't long ago that she got rejected by Taehyung..." I glared at the girls who just walked past me. 

"Y/n, who got hit by the Lyrids." A boy laughed, "bad luck continues." The other guy laughed. "Aren't you haunted or something?" Geez, no need to be that rude. I frowned. "Y/n! Y/n!" I heard Jungkook's and Renee's voice. "Jungkook, Renee!" I whined. "You are the center of attention," Jungkook whispered. "I'm burning in shame." I mumbled "Anyway, have you found a place to stay?" Renee asked, 

"Yes! We are going to stay at my dad's friend's house." I said, "Really? Did your dad asked?" Jungkook asked, "No, my dad's friends actually asked us. He saw the news and asked us if we wanted to stay with them." "Wow, what a nice guy. Your luck is coming around." Jungkook chuckled. We got close to the school entrance when I heard RJ's loud shouts. "Please donate! 20 dollars! 10 dollars is fine!" I tilted my head to the side. 

"oh, no..." Jungkook muttered. I quickly jogged over and RJ and his friends were at the entrance. What are they doing?! "Yesterday, because of the Lyrids, Lee Y/n from class F lost her house." I covered my mouth in shock. What the hell are they even doing?! They tried to get past but RJ and his friends wouldn't let them. "He really is dumb," Jungkook said. "Well, it's RJ..." Renee mumbled.

I had enough of this. I walked up to him, "RJ! Stop this!" RJ turned around and grabbed me, pulling me towards his side. "Here she is! Even after what happened yesterday, she is still coming to school!" "Stop it, RJ! I don't want any more attention in school"  "Now that you're the center of attention, there are going to be rumors coming." Renee said.

 "oh my gosh!" Jungkook stepped back as Taehyung went past them. Renee's eyes widen and try to call for my name. "Would you move?" My eyes widen and I slowly turned around. "Taehyung!" I gasped. "You are being rude." RJ huffed. "Y/n is really hurt right now. Who do you think did this?" RJ started getting into Taehyung's face. Taehyung wasn't fazed at all. "The Lyrids, right?" Taehyung said. "That's a different story! It's because you were being so cold-hearted!" What is he saying!? 

"What the..." Jungkook whispered. Renee nodded in agreement. "Your cold heart was the cause for Y/n's bad luck!" I blinked really fast... RJ please stop talking...

Mischievous Kiss: Love In Seoul. {Kim Taehyung Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now