chapter two

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"And then he said, 'Do you even know how much this suit costs?'"

"What did the waiter do?"

"I don't know, he was behind me. He just apologized and then disappeared."

"Well, sounds like you had quite the night, huh?"

The fresh night breeze sent a shiver down my legs and I tucked tighter on the ends of the blanket wrapped around me, sitting on one of the lounge chairs on the terrace.

I looked up at the night sky, star speckled and cloudless, it seemed so much more bigger and brighter than what I was used to. In every direction there was a star strung to the perfect midnight velvet, shining like brilliant pearls. It was the most beautiful canvas of starry night one could imagine and I wish I could paint it right now.

I sighed.

After the incident. the rest of the dinner was followed mainly by businessmen talk and Jones making bad jokes or trying to come up with a topic to talk to me. I wouldn't necessarily say that I was bored, but I definitely would have liked it more to spend my time sleeping to get rid of the jet lag that was nagging me, than sitting there, forcing every urge in my body to keep my eyelids from falling shut.

When I looked at the time I had realized it was an hour before midnight. The men around me were still talking and in that moment it felt like it would never stop, so I had decided to leave, since there wasn't any other reason for me to stay any longer.

I went back to my room and was about to go to sleep when my phone rang and I had seen my best friends name on the screen.

"You don't know how glad I am that I left when I did. One second longer sitting next to Jones and I would have dropped dead."

Taemi laughed over the phone. We had been facetiming for an hour and I told her about everything that happened over dinner. She had been listening to me groan and complain the whole time. It were moments like these when I was so grateful to have her.

"Tell that Jones to be careful or I'm going to fly down there personally and teach him how to treat and act next to a woman."

I managed to smile at her. I would have laughed if I wasn't this tired.

"Alright, honey tea, I can hear your brain almost screaming at me to let you go to sleep. You look terrific." She said bringing her face closer to her camera.

"Thanks." I snarled and she gave a small chuckle.

"I want you to take photos of everything you see, and I mean everything. If you see any elephants, zebras, bees, clouds, stones, whatever, cute clothes or maybe cute boys." Her eyebrows rising as she pronounced the last word. "I want photos of it!"

"Taemi, I'm in the city, I doubt I'll see Zebra's walking down the road and for your information, I'm not here to look out for boys. You know me too good to even bring it up."

"I know, I know." She exclaimed. "I just want to make sure you have fun."

"You know there are so many ways to have fun."

"Yes, but what's better than to fall in love in an exotic place like Africa, with a handsome man and marry him and live happily ever after." She raved, her hands clasped together.

"Alright, you're definitely watching too many movies."

"You're probably right about that, but I'm serious. I want you to update me on everything you do and don't leave anything out, except it's about that balding Jones. I think I had enough of him." She whined.

"I will."

"I'd tell you to call me but I know you will forget it anyways, so I'm just letting you know beforehand that I will call you every night, and I mean every night. So you better pick up."

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