When You're Jealous

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-you put a forcefield around you and Shinso
-Shinso is amused at your jealousy but let's you drag him away from the person

-tamaki gets uncomfortable around people and you know that so you just grab his hand and drag him away to go look at butterflies in the park

-you just stand there trying not to make it obvious
-since Tsuyu is observant she can tell and asks you if you want to go somewhere else
-you immediately agree and you two leave the person

-once you see them eying Momo's chest you punch them in the face and hug Momo
-she chuckles and hugs back and then you two go home

-Jiro will be equally annoyed as you are and you both beat them to a pulp

-you won't really care since that happens alot, he is the #1 hero's son after all
-if they go to far though you tell at them until they go away
-if they don't go away you drag Todoroki away and the poor oblivious boy is confused

-You use your quirk on them and they end up running away to a bathroom because they're about to puke
-deku might tell you about how rude that was but he knows you were just jealous so he'll give you lots of cuddles after

-just because you're quirkless doesn't mean you're weak. You'll yell at them and punch them until people start giving you looks and you have to stop before you get arrested
-bakugo will non-stop tease you about how jealous you were

-denki is too busy flirting with you to even notice the person
-so you just smirk at them until they leave, mad that he didn't even look at them

-you get really clingy and hug her arm
-you become quiet
-she'll notice and bring you home to cuddle

-you get really annoying and whine alot until Sero tapes your mouth shut and drags you away to get your favorite food to make you stop

-he won't even let you have the chance to get jealous. He doesn't think it's very manky to let someone other than you flirt with him.
-so as soon as someone flirts with him he'll tell them to stop and if they don't he'll hold your hand and bring you anywhere you want UwU

-usually the person talking to him is smiling so when they do you control them to walk away
-mirio looks at you for a bit confused, until he starts laughing once he realizes you were jealous so you did that

-if anyone talks to him he'll go to sleep in his sleeping bag so what you do is just drag him home without taking a second look at the person.

-you let out your inner demon (literally it's your quirk if you didn't remember) and attack them until they dead. Unless it's toga you just hurt her but don't kill her

-you stab them
-you might secretly be related to toga I guess

-you attack them and they ded. Yay!

-it doesn't bother you since it's normal, he is a pro hero after all

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