After two years they decided to get married in England. The group traveled in London to witness Maria's wedding and the circle was happy. Happy like they have never been in almost a century.

All along Maria thought it was love he felt for her but it wasn't.

Maria died at an execution in 1328 in England.

Unfortunately, he was a hunter. Along the dark lonely English roads, they were ambushed and all were captured to be executed. He never loved her like he has sworn. He used her to get to the circle and get them all hanged. All of our sisters' lives in exchange of gold. Ten gold bars for a head of an innocent maiden who has not harmed anybody.

Their population in Europe was nearly zero as what history tells, but the hunters missed one group of 16 members, Maria kept hidden in the coniferous Russian forests.

As news of the execution reached them, they pledged to never fall in love with a man for they have caused many of their sister's death. Not just Ingrid's, not just Maria's but of many others; some elders, some neophytes and many solitary ones. Moreover, men are weak at hiding feelings. They can't control hunger and are easily exposed.

As the group hunting ceased and solitary ones were slowly hunted down. They began to travel as gypsies and hire human slaves to watch them as they sleep in the morning. In exchange for their silence, the slaves were given huge amount of wages sent to their families.

They may look like a bunch of hungry refugees and homeless women of the road, but one can never guess what's inside a vampire's carriage.

Our Russian sisters were smart. They knew who to let in and who to ditch out of the circle. The Russian circle was full of royal bloods if not, daughters with high political names and women with medical experience. Women that even if pronounced dead could still get money from the banks.

In 1350's they reached Asia. There were no prejudice, no killings and no execution. Feeding on blood of animals and dead people, they have adapted in eating raw meat. Their population grew to almost a hundred scattered in many parts of Asia for almost three centuries.

All was well until 1647. Tragic news from their sisters in Connecticut and Massachusetts has reached them. 14 young girls aged 13 to 17 were hung. Having known that their kind has already found their way to the New World and the hunting have been allocated in there, they planned to return to Europe and look for survivors.

With the hope of saving the others, half of the circle went back to their homeland. Fifty English women, together with 16 elders travelled back to Europe.

Thinking that the hunt was over they came unarmed. A battle or two was surpassed and blood was shed again on English roads. Losing their sisters was distressing, but still they had to go forth and rescue the others.

One night in one of the hotels of old musky England where our sisters were staying, came the King; Charles I. Enchanted by the beauty of one of the elders, 27 year old Catherine Bridge, he instantly fell in love. Though Charles I was known to be married to French princess Henrietta Maria, it was only for England to form an alliance with France against Spain.

Catherine never felt anything for Charles, but his promise of protection was indeed a need of the circle. Charles loved Catherine so much that he'd accepted them for what they were. The King kept his word; he housed them in one of his castles in Durham England where population was small of number and safe within the valleys of the Tees and Wear rivers, keeping all 22 ladies in satisfaction and pleasure.

Courting balls held in nearby manors and castles were attended almost every night, jewelry, gowns and unlimited supply of blood for everyone. He even spoiled them for every longing. He treats all of them like his own sisters. They all loved him. He gave them the life they used to have. The life every elder is dreaming for her circle.

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