Stranger in the Park

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Chapter 7: Stranger in the Park

“Rise and shine, sleepyhead!” Peter squeaked as he roughly jumped on my bed like some five year old. I deliberately opened my eyes when I noticed his jumping came to a stop, finding him tucked under the covers close beside me. Too close beside me. His nose inches from mine.

“If you’re not going to wake up, I’d join you in your sleep.” He said with his eyes closed, unmoving. He’s really handsome. The inner me sighing in admiration and blowing hearts as I stared at him.

“What day is today?” I asked, averting my thoughts as I sat up and looked outside the half opened curtains.

“Saturday, September 8, 2012.” He answered shortly unsure If I said day or date, as he got out of the bed. “Do you want to go outside?” He noticed my gaze out the window. “No, it’s…”

“We’ll walk around after breakfast, then.” He blurted, not even listening to my reply. I just nodded, thinking that some sunlight might actually be a good idea. Looking at the window, the huge white and gold pendulum clock caught my eyes. It was ten o’clock in the morning.

“Now go take a bath.” He ordered as he went straight to my wardrobe and pulled out some underwear. “What are you doing?” I asked demanding for a decent answer. I may lack memory, but I know that what he’s doing is not proper.

“I am choosing your clothes.” He replied in a-matter-of-fact tone. “You are not supposed to touch a woman’s underwear without her permission.” I reprimanded.

“Oh come on. I do this all the time.”

“What?” And I just let him do that?

“Come on we’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember.” He sighed in disbelief.

“And I just let you…”

“Of course. And for the record, you get choose my clothes too.” He rolled his eyes jokingly, making me smile.

I entered the bathroom without complaining. I needed all the help they can offer. Even my situation is complicated and very much puzzling; I still thanked God for giving me a loving mother and caring best friend. Not that I know him too well.

I headed out of the bathroom in my robes finding not a trace of Peter around. The clothes that he picked were lying neatly on the bed; a white cotton underwear, a frilly white camisole and a pair of faded jeans. I put them on quickly, wondering what was I excited about. Maybe it’s the thought of going out in the sun, or maybe it’s the thought of going out with him. Either way, I slipped into a pair of leather sandals and went straight to the dining area where mom and my aunts waited.

It’s kind of ok where do I place it: awkward, calling Mrs. Miller: mom. But after what happened last night, it feels refreshing. It feels…proper.

“It’s good to see you out of bed for a change.” Aunt Veronica spoke as everybody agreed. I just smiled inhaling the mouthwatering scent of pancakes. All served in different kinds of sauce from cranberry, strawberry, and chocolate, even whipped cream.

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