Wrong side of the Fence

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Chapter 23: Wrong side of the Fence

My hands started to become jittery with the horrors of what this parchment might bring. Will this answer everything?

Dear me,

I don't know how you got here, but because you are reading this letter I know you're with another Hunter. And I hope you won't make the same mistakes I have done long ago. Your name is Charlotte Bridge, daughter of Catherine Bridge and King Charles II, and the name Megan Miller has been keeping you safe for probably a long time.

I'm writing this down because I knew about the circle's plans on erasing my memories, and if they truly succeed, you must have no idea of what you truly are. I am sorry that I cannot explain everything to you, my future self but these are the things that you should know.

Stay away from any Hunter, Nakayama and Whitmore they live to kill our kind and they are not the least merciful in doing it. Do not trust them like I did before. You are in grave danger, given the fact that you are reading this parchment that I hid in their home. Also, sips not gulps. Too much blood would make you dizzy. Regarding compulsion, you are not very good at it but if you must, try to believe the lie that you are about to say and look at the pupils, if they dilate, it means it works. If not, run.

Darling self, I hope you are safe and will always be. The vampires will always be your sisters and sisters protect each other at all costs.

Worried, Charlotte Bridge 1999

I flipped the paper wanting to read more of what Charlotte Bridge wrote but there was nothing more except for a small doodle of a rosebud. Folding the paper and hiding it safe inside my pocket, I closed my eyes and tried to remember things.

There were places like Old Catholic churches were satanic activities are done, there were public baths were we bathe and party, there were balls and laughter and so much of life's pleasures. The wind gently blew on my face and I flipped my hair with my palms touching my nape. A memory of the same familiar sensation came, it was of Peter. Kissing my cheek with both of his hands on my nape, he told me he loves me and I said it back.

I opened my eyes in disgust. Did I ever love Peter? I asked myself as I remember his hands all over my body. I shook my head, telling myself none of that and the completely obscene memories I just had was real. None of it were real, but were they?

I started walking back towards the house, trying my best to forget the last memory I've gained. But I remembered the letter, it says I should stay away but where am I going now? And how could I get home if I just disappear like a bubble? Maybe I should just blend in, wait for three days and go back home safe. That's it.

I was already near the house when I saw all of them, including Lady Louise and the entire platoon, waiting and yelling at me to run and get inside. Even Kyle and Wesley were side by side with hands on the fence, yelling at me to get in.

Worried at what might be chasing me, I looked back and saw the forest darker than what I just saw a while ago. I looked closer and noticed there was a black mist, swirling against the tree branches and creeping against the forest grounds. Now who wouldn't run?

I run but the moment I took my first step, I realized I shouldn't blow my cover. And I'm absolutely positive that if you my dear reader is going to be chased by let's say a raging buffalo, you would run as fast as you can. But what if someone who's looking at you thinks you're cripple? Would you drag your behind instead? Of course not. You would run as fast as you can, you wouldn't dare to care what that person would say, it's a raging buffalo for heaven's sake. But I am not you. I am stupid enough to slow down a tiny bit and yes, accidentally step into small slippery puddle and slip. That was how clumsy I am.

Before I could hoist myself up and make it to the cemented road in front of the house, Kyle hauled me up and helped my plant my feet on the ground. So much for 'Just go Megan, you don't have to explain anything to me.'

We reached the white picket fences and I saw how the dark mist devoured the woods and slowly creep on the road. "What's happening?" I asked at whoever might not be too busy staring at the mist.

"They know what we are planning and they want to attack first." Lady Louise said, looking at how the mist dissipates when it reaches the fences. "But they cannot penetrate the boarder. We are safe inside is property." She added as the mist thickens on the center of the cemented road and later forms three bodies. The dark mist disappears and three ladies are left to stare at us.

I was beyond amazed at what my eyes were seeing. I kept asking myself if this is real but the only answer was yes.

The old lady gasped when she saw the woman in the center. "Why are you here Minerva?" Lady Louise asked the tallest woman in the center. She had dark hair and pasty skin, but beautiful brown eyes and those cheekbones, oh how high could they get? She was wearing a long bohemian dress with small flower embroiders and necklaces that looked like talismans and unshaped quartz.

"I am here to make a deal Louise." She said and gave each of us an adequate amount of glare.

"We are not here to get things settled. And why are you helping the Vampires? I thought you went away for good after your sister decided to side on the winning side." The old lady spoke in anger and reminisce.

"My sister was wrong in siding with you, now she's dead of old age and maybe you'll see her soon. Why am I helping the Vampires, you ask? Well sisters protect sisters at all costs." She said and I recalled what Charlotte Bridge, I mean myself told me in the letter.

Am I on the wrong side of the fence? I looked at the girl at Minerva's right and she gave me a glimpse as well. Somehow I think I remember her pretty face. I closed my eyes to remember and an image of an old hotel room, lit in dim yellow lights. I squinted as a white streak of pain bolted on my head. I held the fence to steady my legs and the pain was gone.

Minerva giggled. And as I opened my eyes, I saw all of them looking at me. Kyle immediately held me like a protective dog owner and I hate looking like a wounded dog. "Looks like your protective barrier can't protect all of you. I wonder why." She smiled a sly smile. "From what I remember, my sister specifically said that the barrier would protect those who are against the forces of dark magic. I wonder why."

"Stop playing tricks on my family." Lady Louise spat.

"Didn't know you had brunettes in the family." Minerva looked at me with interest as I tightened my grip on Kyle's arm. "Anyway back to what I was here for." Minerva stepped towards the fence. "I'm here to make a deal because I want to stop the bloodshed that has been in our hands for over six hundred years. We know that you will be on the forest tonight for your adorable grandson's debut in the hunter world, and I'm telling you Louise, the sisters are prepared for his arrival. Certain death will come upon him now that the witches are against you."

Flummoxed, Lady Louise looked at his precious grandchildren. "What are you proposing?" She spoke dryly.

"Oh well, we're kind of looking for a new apprentice. I think one of your Asians will do." She said, eyeing Mika and Kathy who gasped in chorus.

"I will never hand my grandchildren over to you!" Old Lady Louise spat as Uncle George wrapped the two girls in his arms.

"Okay, fair enough. We'll take the brunette then, she doesn't seem to be one of yours." Minerva spoke and smiled at me.

"You crazy manipulative witch! I will be the one to end your life before this day ends!" Kyle spat, hiding me behind his huge back.

"You don't talk to me like that little boy!" Minerva tried to reach Kyle's neck but her hand was burned when it crossed the top of the white picket fences. Quickly she withdrew her hand and gave Kyle a deadly glare. "You don't even know what you're protecting behind your back."

My eyes could've popped as I saw her looking at me, peaking beside Kyle's shoulder. Her two companions were smiling as well. Suddenly, a memory flashed before my eyes. It was Wesley's birthday and Minerva looked so much younger. My mother was talking to her, seemingly pleading and then I heard their conversation. 'Please Minerva, you are the only one that could save Charlotte from these hunters. When the time comes that what happened would repeat, tell her everything.' Vivian spoke, and Minerva nodded.

I really am on the wrong side of the fence.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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