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31—Renleigh Kensington

Tick. Tok.

Tick. Tok.

Tick. Tok.

That was my precious time, wasting away into nothing as the familiar smell of my favourite candle hugged my office and made it into my second home. Technically, third, though only if my penthouse is counted. And, of course, let us not forget about the house that is currently being built, bringing me and my little family closer to the day we can finally move.

Swung my chair around so it faced the big windows, London seemed quiet this morning. Ridiculous, I know. London and quiet? Strange to think of those words in the same sentence yet the city seemed still. Compared to the state of my mind, it was definitely an understatement.

My right thigh over the left, I lifted my chin off of my fist, elbow propped up on the arm of my chair to move my watch around my wrist. The white gold Rolex ticked onto the number eight, making me wonder if perhaps I was the impatient one. With an unsatisfied sigh bursting through my lips, my ears were on high alert as the sound of a pair of high heels caught my attention. The doors to my office were wide open.

Now, the rhythm of those high heel clinks could only belong to one person in this world. The thought of that made me smirk as I gently cleared my throat and prepared myself to turn around.




"Miss Kensington? Your eight o'clock meeting is here."

That voice. Those sentences. They belonged to none other than Danielle Jones.

"Danielle," I smiled as I stood up from my chair, arms wide open as my feet walked me towards her. We both chuckled as we exchanged the hug. "Please. Sit."

"No, really," she looked at me like I was insane for offering her a seat. "Your calendar is still linked to mine. I checked it this morning and your eight o'clock really is here."

"You do know you are no longer my assistant, right?"

"Though I clearly should be, right?" she asked back with her eyebrow arched, challenging me. Her tone was much more confident than I've ever heard it to be, perhaps the change in position and change in scenery with her now living in New York full-time, did her more good than anticipated.

"What exactly are you suggesting?" the atmosphere suddenly changed and the tension became close to unbearable in a snap of a finger. Of course, that did not threaten me. If anything, it excited me.

"That is most certainly a conversation for a later date. Let me bring your meeting right through," she answered with a certain something to her voice. Perhaps that was what she indicated with that question of hers. Must say, she definitely left her shell behind.

Speaking of my eight o'clock. Well, that was definitely something I needed more than two weeks to prepare for, then again, the old Kensington would have smashed this one without any backing up.

You see, this meeting was either going to be my biggest regret and therefore also the downfall of my company or—well, I have yet to find something positive about this. Truth be told, this was a meeting that made the hair on my body stand straight and my skin crawl like a bloody crab in the sand. Not a lot could get a reaction out of me yet somehow, the simple thought of this person made my blood bubble.


There we go. Deep breaths and professional attitude only.

"Mr Williams," I greeted him with a forced smile, on my feet as I offered my hand for a shake. He took it and completed the gesture, not fearing to grip my hand and crush my fingers a little. Clearly, he was trying to make a point, maybe showing off, though for what reason, was unclear to me. "Let us begin, shall we?"

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