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30—Harry Styles

Not a lot could get me in such giddy mood although it seemed like building my own house could be added to that tiny list. Bickering over the kind of tiles we should lay in the kitchen and whether or not to have a removable shower head was kind of fun. Although, Renleigh took the latter pretty seriously.

"You wouldn't understand," she sighed as she slowed down when the lights turned red. She had to be the one in the driver's seat which was more than fine by me. We were on our way to a shop with baths and showerheads and showers to get an idea as to which ones we liked.

"Make me understand then," I pushed it, simply because she was much too mysterious about it all. It made absolutely no sense to me as to why she wanted a removable showerhead when having three fixated ones was much cooler.

The bathroom in our house was going to be massive, half of our bedroom now if I had to compare it to something. Was it too much? Definitely. Did we care? Absolutely not. This house was going to be our forever home, the one where we'd have more kids and either grow old in or sell. We didn't talk over that, it was much too early for it, seeing as it was only just now getting built.

"How are you so clueless?" she asked rather than explained. Gah. So annoying. Why couldn't she be as straight to the point as she once used to be? I remember when she'd give me one worded answers just so she didn't have to talk to me for longer than it was necessary. Now, she talked for hours and hours on end and I didn't know when she'd shut up.

"Tell me," I nagged her.

But she did not. Instead, an evil smirk spread across her face as she glanced in the rear-view mirror. My attention was on her the whole time, I watched her take a deep breath and relax into the seat, her hands on the steering wheel. Then, she moved her right hand and propped her elbow up on the side of the door, sliding the left hand to the bottom of the steering wheel and casually continuing to drive.


Our fight resumed once we stepped inside the store. With Leila sat on her side and safely held in her arms, she was giving me all the reasons why we should have one type of shower as opposed to another. Of course, her argument was only relevant until I moved onto something else so she could home in on the one I'd found. Shaking my head, I left her there and went on my own little adventure.

But then she found me again. And we bickered again.

It was all a joke, of course. She was being annoying which is why I was being annoying. In the middle of it all, Leila transferred herself into my arms and that just meant Renleigh was going to bring the big-bad-boss act out.

We were finally going to purchase something.

Leila and I sat down on one of the big, comfy couches. She was going to take ages to make sure everything will be delivered on time and appropriately, without any problems. With my tiny princess in my arms, I couldn't not get lost in the way she stared up at me and looked around. She was gorgeous. The most innocent soul in this world, one that I would do anything for to protect.

Becoming a dad has changed me. Subtly, but it has. Work was not as important as I deemed it to be prior to her arrival. Drinking with mates, going to bars, watching the footie with them or even hanging out with them, wasn't as important as her. She became my whole entire world in a snap of a finger and no one else seemed to matter quite as much as Leila Grace did. Although I did slip up once or twice in the way I have behaved, I liked to think of that as my learning curves. Humans make mistakes and as long as they learn from them, there is no reason as to why they cannot bounce back from them.

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