True Love (Story)

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Mark and I sat on the couch watching a movie. We sat together, Mark held me in his arms. He truly is the best boyfriend. Such a surprise of how we met. Me and him were friends online, we found each other online, in 2013, now it is 2015. In 2014, he flew over to my state to come see me. He and I walked around places, went to hot chocolate shops and laughed. Then, at the end of the night, he kissed me very gently. I kissed back. We got together a few weeks later. Ever since we have been dating, I have felt so happy and lucky. Mark let me move in with him in California. But, Mark and I have.... Never had sex. We have never talked about it. We, don't really make out or anything. To us both, it makes us shy away and feel weird. I have never had sex or masterbated. I'm a pure virgin. I don't even use tampons, never have never will. Mark isn't a virgin, but he has only had it once. He told me the story about how he hated it because he didn't like her but, she liked him, so he just gave in, faking his orgasm just to get it over with. He never did it again. We really have never discussed sex. Mark knew I was a virgin. Mark and I have never done anything sexual, never been nude in front of each other, never seen each other's parts, showered together. Nothing. I blushed of the thought of his, you know. I have never seen it but, still the thought makes me blush. I put my face in Mark's warm chest. He smiled and kissed my cheek. The movie was scary.
"It's okay (y/n). I'm here." He said, him being a famous gamer on YouTube, yeah, he is used to scary stuff. I wrapped my arms around him, closing my eyes tighter. He grabbed me and gently put me on his lap, facing him. He looked at me.
"(Y/n), look at me." He said. I shook my head 'no'.
"C'mon babe, look at me." His soft, deep voice called. I opened my eyes. He cupped my face in his hands.
"There's my girl." He said with his cute smile. I smiled and kissed him, hugging him afterwards. He wrapped his hands around me as well. It was night time. Mark yawned and stretched.
"C'mon babe, let's go to bed." He said while patting my back. I got up and followed him to the room. He grabbed me. I looked at him confused. He hugged me. I hugged back. Then Mark started to lean back.
"Mark no." I said. He smiled. We were before the bed.
"NO." He held me tighter and fell on the bed with me in his arms. I laughed and pushed him. He laughed as well and turned off the lights. He held me in his arms and kissed me before going to sleep with me.

The Next Morning

I was awaken by soft lips on my cheek. I giggled and turned the other way. Mark still managed to kiss my cheek. I wrapped the blankets over me. He laughed and got under the covers with me. He laid on top of me, in between my legs. I blushed. He was joking around but the way he was positioned was, a bit awkward. He kissed my lips and picked me up.
"MARK!" I yelled as he put me on his shoulder and carried me downstairs. My hips were on his shoulder, my ass in the air, his big, strong arms around my thighs. My head facing the ground. I sighed and let him. He plopped me on the couch and started to make breakfast. I picked up my phone and played some games. Mark's phone dinged, meaning he got a text. I was curious, what if it was another girl? My trust issues from guys in the past sucked.
"Hey babe? Can you check my phone. See who that is?" Mark said while flipping a pancake. I always have trusted Mark. But every now and then I question, not because he did anything wrong or unusual, just because I'm not used to being in a very healthy relationship, I'm used to being in a toxic one. Mark would never cheat, I know he wouldn't, he isn't that kind of guy. I checked his phone to be wide eyed. Bob, Wade, Brian, Matt, Ryan, The Game Grumps, Ethan, Tyler were all texting him.
"Babe, it's like, all of your friends." I said. He looked at me.
"Okay, yeah we were gonna make a video today together." He said while getting the whip cream out. I put his phone down and walked over to him.
He smiled. Always made breakfast for me, even when he was tired as all hell, or mad at something, or worn out from videos, he would still always make breakfast for me, so cute!
He gave me my plate with 2 pancakes on the, whipped cream, and raspberries on the whipped cream.
"Thanks Mark." I said. He looked at me with a devilish smile.
"What?" He shushed me by putting whip cream on my lips and kissing it all off. I laughed and blushed a little. I looked at Mark and laughed even more.
"What?" He asked.
"You, haha, you have whip cream in your stubble!" I laughed. He laughed.
"Give me another kiss and get it off." He said with a cute smile. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, getting the rest off. No we again have never got sexual or did anything dirty, talk dirty or do any dirty. We find this cute. Mark grabbed his keys and wallet.
"Are you going somewhere?" I asked with a little pouty voice.
"Yeah, I'm going to pick up the guys."
"Babe! I don't want you to leave." I whined, dramatically falling to the floor.
"I have to go, I'm sorry." He said with a smile. I wrapped my arms and hands around his thigh and grabbed his legs, holding onto him.
"Please Mark!" I begged. I looked at him. His face was red, he looked away. I noticed a weird feeling on my left hand. I then realized! M-my hand was on h-his...I let go and backed up a little. Blushing and looking away. I felt like crying due to the huge amount of embarrassment. I have never felt that before, or touched it, it was an accident. I started to pout.
"Oh, babe, it's okay, you didn't know." He said gently.
"S-sorry, that was an accident." I said calming down a little. He kissed me
"It's fine, you didn't mean to, I just, didn't want to say anything because I thought it would make you feel weird." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Mark?" I said, he looked at me.
"What did you think when you felt my hand, on it?" I said, barley having the guts to ask. His face for more red.
"I don't really know, I was out of words and thoughts, I couldn't think." He said.
"Okay, let's pretend that didn't happen!" I said. He nodded and looked away. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He smiled.
"I'm going to head out, okay?" Said Mark. I sighed and nodded. He  kissed me on the cheek.
"Love you baby." He said.
"Love you too, Mark." I said. He smiled and left. I sighed.
"Guess I can do some chores." I said.

15 Minutes Into Cleaning

I finished the dishes, swept the floor, fixed our bed, now I was doing the laundry. Normally Mark does the laundry and I do the dishes. I was folding and I pulled out one of Marks underwear. The crotch area was very stretched out. I gulped and blushed. I put it away. I thought in his dresser he might have some woman magazines. But, up there wasn't, just pictures of me, or me and him. He really did love me like nobody else. I smiled and closed his droors. I finished the laundry. I realized, he is normally the one doing the laundry. He sees my panties all the time, along with my lacy ones, my bras too. I blushed more. I sat on the couch with a blanket and just slept.

MARK'S HOME + Mark's P.O.V (point of view)

I came home with the guys, ready to make videos. I saw (y/n) was on the couch. She was beautiful, just so damn perfect! The only woman I have ever found attractive, or perfect. I have never known the meaning of crush until I found her, my first crush, and now she is mine. I smiled and kissed her forehead. I told the guys to be quiet because she was sleeping. They nodded. They know her and they all like her. Kinda pissed me off but, they are my friends, they respect my relationship. I walked to my room, Ryan asked if Lego can roam around, since he just got him and he didn't want to leave him alone so he brought him with. I nodded. He put Lego on the ground and let him roam the house. We all started to play some games and record videos.

Time Skip After Recording

The guys were talking, I was think about what (y/n) did earlier, it, turned me on. It's not the first time I have gotten turn on for her, but the first time she knew about it. I never tell her but it happens all the time. I always do.
"Mark, you're lucky!" Matt said getting my attention.
"You have such a hot girl, but you don't fuck?" He said. I rolled my eyes.
"She's a virgin, and, if she wants to, then I will, but only when she is ready, I will never disrespect my girlfriend. And besides, sex with her, I know it will be amazing because she is the one I love, the one I want, the only one I have ever liked or loved. But, I just get all shy and weird when I think about it." I explained.
"Aw, that's sweet." Matt said.
"Wait she's a virgin?" Bob said. I nodded.
"Wow! That means you're gonna get first base!" Ethan said. I growled. Arin and Dan laughed a little.
"Aw yeah, nice and tight." Wade said, doing a humping motion. I blushed.
"You're gonna stretch her out and take that virginity!!" Ryan said. The guys laughed.
"Cut it out! Even when and if we do! I'm not going to hurt her or go rough! I'm going to be respectful, I love her, for who she is not because she is a woman, not because she has a vagina! For who she is! Now shut the hell up." I said. They all looked down in shame and apologized. Then I heard (y/n) scream. My eyes widened. I started to run towards the sound.

My P.O.V

I woke up, to the feeling of a tongue on my face, I opened my eyes. A small white fluff with big brown eyes was in front of me.
I screamed. I stopped once. Realized it was Ryan's new puppy Lego. Guessing the guys are here. I started to pet and kiss Lego when Mark and his friends came running to me. Mark grabbed my face and checked me out
"You okay?! Are you hurt?!" Mark asked. I laughed.
"I'm fine, Lego just scared me." I said. Mark slowly looked at Lego with an angry face. He snarled. I put my hand on the side of his face and moved it back to me. I giggled and kissed him.
"Lucky ass." Some of the guys said. Mark flipped them off while kissing me. He pulled away.
"Alright, let's get you guys home." He said. Mark playfully spun Lego in circles in the air jokingly. I laughed.

Time Skip To Night Time

Mark bought me a carrot cake when he got home, my favorite. It was for two people, Mark also liked carrot cake, he ate it with me  while we laid in bed and watched T.V.
"Thanks Mark, I really appreciate it." I said. He smiled. He always buys me things, but that's not why I love him, his personality, him in general. He alone is just amazing. We finished the cake. Mark turned off the T.V and took off his shirt, showing his muscular body frame. He laid next to me. I smiled and kissed him before cuddling his his arms and sleeping with him, getting ready for the next day.

Hewwo my fans! Thanks for reading BUT THE STORY IS NOT OVER!! More coming soon! This story maybe long, but if you liked it, don't worry! There is much more! Thank you for reading, and as always, if you have an idea for a story, comment me, and I will make it for you, thanks again!😍😍🥰🥰❤️❤️

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